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Release Notes Checkmk2 Version 1.8.6#

Diese Version bringt wichtige Verbesserungen und neue Funktionen, um die Nutzung von Checkmk2 effizienter und zukunftssicher zu gestalten.

Kompatibilität mit PHP 8.2#

  • Checkmk2 unterstützt jetzt alle PHP-Versionen von 7.4 bis 8.2.

Kompatibilität mit Checkmk 2.3#

  • Um das Checkmk2 Add-on mit Checkmk 2.3 zu verwenden, muss der Konfigurationsparameter check_mk.version auf “2.3” gesetzt werden.
  • Das Add-on unterstützt damit alle Versionen ab Checkmk 1.5.
  • Neue Feature werden zukünftig nur noch für Checkmk >= Version 2.2 implementiert.

Erweitertes Logging#

  • Das Logging wurde erweitert und umfasst nun auch die Protokollierung von HTTP-Requests und Responses in/aus Checkmk.
  • Neue Parameter für das Logging:
    • check_mk.logging.enableLogging: true|false: Aktiviert das Logging von Checkmk Responses/Requests (standardmäßig deaktiviert).
    • check_mk.logging.logFilePath: “/log/path”: Verzeichnis, in dem die Logdateien gespeichert werden. Es wird pro Aufruf eine Logdatei erstellt. Das Verzeichnis muss für den Benutzer, der Checkmk2 ausführt (z.B. www-data), les- und schreibbar sein.
    • Eine beispielhafte Konfiguration kann man mit idoitcmk print-example-config anschauen.

Bugfixes/weitere Anpassungen#

  • Das Merging von Hostadressen (pull.updateObjects: true) überschreibt jetzt nicht mehr bereits zugewiesene Netzwerke.
  • Das Aktivieren von Änderungen beachtet jetzt korrekt anhand des Konfigurationsparameters push.activateForeignChanges ob es gleichzeitig Änderungen seitens anderer Checkmk Nutzer gibt.
  • Das Pushen von Objekten wurde weiter optimiert.
  • Auswertung des Konfigurationsparameters webAPI|rest.effectiveAttributes korrigiert
  • Viele weitere kleinere Anpassungen im “Maschinenraum”.

Was ist neu (v1.8.5)#

Dynamische Filterung durch Whitelist und Blacklist#

Mit der neuesten Aktualisierung der Software haben Nutzer nun die Möglichkeit, den Import- und Synchronisationsprozess von Softwareanwendungen präziser zu steuern. Durch den Einsatz von regulären Ausdrücken lässt sich genau definieren, welche Anwendungen während des Prozesses berücksichtigt oder ausgeschlossen werden. Eine Whitelist ermöglicht es den Nutzern, bestimmte Softwareanwendungen gezielt zur Verarbeitung auszuwählen. Beispielsweise sorgt der reguläre Ausdruck ^Windows Update.*$ dafür, dass alle Updates von Windows in den Prozess einbezogen werden, während ^python[0-9.]+$ alle Python-Versionen erfasst. Parallel dazu bietet die Blacklist eine komplementäre Funktion, mit der Anwendungen explizit vom Import- und Synchronisationsprozess ausgeschlossen werden können.

In dieser Version wurde zudem eine wichtige Änderung in der Konfigurationsstruktur vorgenommen: Der Parameter createUnknownSoftwareApplications, der zuvor im Hauptabschnitt pull zu finden war, wurde in den neu geschaffenen Unterabschnitt softwareApplications verschoben. Diese Umstrukturierung verbessert die Übersichtlichkeit und Modularität der Konfigurationseinstellungen. Für Nutzer, die sich mit der neuen Konfigurationsstruktur vertraut machen möchten, bietet das Kommando ./idoitcmk print-example-config eine praktische Möglichkeit, ein Beispiel der neuen Parameteranordnung zu sehen.

Was ist neu (v1.8.2)#

  • Mit Version 1.8.2 unterstützt CMK2 jetzt auch die Version Checkmk 2.2
  • Wenn der Config-Parameter check_mk.version auf "2.2" gesetzt ist, wird automatisch anstatt der Web-API die REST-API angesprochen.
  • Wenn der Config-Parameter check_mk.version auf "2.1" gesetzt ist, wird die WebAPI genutzt, es sein denn, es gibt einen Konfigurationsabschnitt. "check_mk.rest" der parallel zum WebAPI-Konfiguration genutzt werden kann. Dann wird auch für 2.1 die REST-API genutzt.
  • Die betrifft nicht die Aufrufe der Inventory-API!

Als Gold-Partner von Tribe29 gilt das SHD - System-Haus-Dresden GmbH als ausgewiesener Spezialist für das Monitoring mit Checkmk. Mit der Übernahme und Weiterentwicklung des i-doit Add-Ons Checkmk 2 stellt SHD diese Expertise nun auch den i-doit Anwendern zur Verfügung.

Mit der Checkmk Version 2.1.0b1 wurde die Struktur der Inventory Daten verändert. Es ist aktuell mit der CheckMK 2 Add-on Version <=1.8 nicht möglich Inventory in i-doit zu übertragen.
Mit Version 1.8.1 muss die Konfiguration angepasst werden.

Austausch von Informationen zwischen i-doit und checkmk


i-doit ist eine Webanwendung für die IT-Dokumentation und eine CMDB (Konfigurationsmanagement-Datenbank). Diese Anwendung ist sehr nützlich, um um Ihr gesamtes Wissen über die IT-Infrastruktur, mit der Sie arbeiten, zu sammeln.

checkmk ist eine Softwareanwendung für die Netzwerküberwachung.

Beide Anwendungen zusammen erfüllen eine Aufgabe sehr gut: Sie sammeln und teilen Wissen darüber zu sammeln und weiterzugeben, was der aktuelle Zustand aller Ihrer Hosts und Dienste in Echtzeit und in welchem Zustand sich jeder Host und Service befinden sollte. Dies ist oft für ein professionelles und effizientes IT-Service-Management (ITSM) unerlässlich.

Die Anwendung idoitcmk stellt eine enge Verbindung zwischen i-doit und checkmk her. Eine Menge Informationen werden zwischen ihnen ausgetauscht, um die folgenden Ziele zu erreichen:

  • Einmaliges Schreiben, viele Lesezugriffe: Bewahren Sie Ihre Dokumentation und Konfiguration an einem Ort auf.
  • Vergleichen Sie den aktuellen Zustand mit dem Zielzustand all Ihrer Hosts und Services innerhalb Ihrer Dokumentation.
  • Konfigurieren Sie Ihre Netzwerküberwachung auf der Grundlage Ihrer Dokumentation
  • Lassen Sie Ihre Netzwerküberwachung wichtige Informationen über Hosts sammeln und diese in Ihrer Dokumentation wiederverwenden.
  • Automatisieren Sie alle langweiligen Aufgaben, die ein Systemadministrator nicht mag.

Wir wissen, dass jede (IT-)Organisation unterschiedliche Anforderungen und verschiedene Prozesse hat. Aus diesem Grund ist es wichtig, eine highly customizable Anwendung zu haben.



All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1.8.5] - 2024-07-01#

[1.8.5] - 2024-04-16#


  • Adding software application white- and blacklist
  • Moving config parameter pull.createUnknownSoftwareApplications to pull.softwareApplications.createUnknownSoftwareApplications
  • PHP 8.1 Compatibility
  • Improved log messages
  • Removed Checkmk 1.5 from list of supported versions
  • Extend status command to print the used config files


  • CMK2-99 fix creation of hosts in other folder than main
  • CMK2-88 fix crash with inventory api and config param i-doit.limitBatchRequests
  • CMK2-68 fix error at static tag sync
  • CMK2-67 fix crash when importing drives

[1.8.4] - 2023-11-17#


  • CMK2-49 error when calling cmdb.category.save
  • CMK2-50 unify folder and host responses
  • CMK2-51 fix inventory for checkmk <2.1
  • CMK2-53 fix include tags
  • CMK2-53 remove obsolete dynamic attributes
  • CMK2-55 correct handling of empty attributes in HW/SW Inventory
  • CMK2-56 fix errors during sync-sites
  • CMK2-57 fix errors during sync-tags
  • CMK2-61 fix errors during saving of contact-groups
  • CMK2-62 validfation error during pull
  • CMK2-63 fix undefined index mac

[1.8.3] - 2023-09-07#


  • CMK2-41 REST-API: pull crashes when certain host or folder attributes are sets
  • CMK2-42 REST-API: match crashes
  • CMK2-44 REST-API: read nested folders correct
  • CMK2-45 REST-API: sync-folders crashes when creating nested folders
  • CMK2-46 CONFIG: only require a rest configuration if Checkmk Version >= 2.2

[1.8.2] - 2023-08-18#


  • CMK2-41 REST-API: pull crashes when certain host or folder attributes are sets
  • CMK2-42 REST-API: match crashes
  • CMK2-44 REST-API: read nested folders correct
  • CMK2-45 REST-API: sync-folders crashes when creating nested folders
  • CMK2-46 CONFIG: only require a rest configuration if Checkmk Version >= 2.2

[1.8.2] - 2023-08-18#


  • Adding compatibility to checkmk 2.1


  • CMK2-38 prevent arbitrary code execution on the idoit host via command injection in the hostname field of the ajax call

[1.8.1] - 2022-11-21#


  • Adding compatibility to checkmk 2.1

[1.8.0] - 2022-09-05#


  • PHP 8.0 Compatibility
  • Design Compatibility


  • Error message when synchronizing tags
  • Synchronizing IPv6 IPs and networks generates an error message

[1.7.1] - 2021-10-18#


  • Pull IPv6 addresses from checkmk to i-doit


  • Add/fix CPU attributes from checkmk to i-doit
  • Add/fix operating system attributes from checkmk to i-doit

[1.7.0] - 2021-08-09#


  • Implement merge strategy while pulling from checkmk to i-doit


  • Tags (static) Dropdown ‘Tag group’ attributes cannot be deleted
  • CheckMK 2: Tags are not displayed with the tag group in reports

[1.6.1] – 2021-06-15#


  • Password and username must be specified (i-doit config)
  • Filtering on attributes of category Check_MK (host) generates SQL error and list view does not work anymore
  • Dynamic host tag “Location” cannot be set globally
  • CheckMK 2 Plugin Pull: Validation errors in dialog related properties
  • The live status configuration is not optional
  • Checkmk responded with an error message: Check_MK exception: Invalid key(s): hostname
  • Check_MK 2: Error Message strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given
  • Error in list views when add-on Check_MK 2 was deinstalled
  • Operating system is not assigned
  • No attributes are imported for applications
  • Pull with the same Host as parent ends in a loop

[1.6.0] – 2019-12-06#


  • pull: Import software applications
  • pull: New configuration setting pull.createUnknownSoftwareApplications
  • pull: New configuration setting pull.attributes.C__CATG__APPLICATION
  • pull: New configuration setting objectTypes.softwareApplication
  • pull/match: Match objects and hosts by serial number configured by new item serial in pull.attributes
  • fetch-hosts: Add new option --select to select one or multiple attributes, ignore everything else (works only in verbose mode)
  • push: Print last request to Checkmk API on failure as debug message


  • Drop support for PHP version 5.6
  • Mark PHP version 7.0 as deprecated
  • Recommend PHP 7.3
  • Re-name Check_MK to Checkmk
  • Require PHP modules hash, sockets and SPL
  • pull: Do not warn about empty host tag IDs because they are allowed in Checkmk
  • pull: Ignore link local networking addresses and interfaces
  • pull: Do not ignore a networking address which can’t be assigned to a networking port
  • push: Create site if it’s set in i-doit (category Checkmk Host) but not set in Checkmk
  • push: Update site if it’s set in both i-doit and Checkmk but differs
  • push: Remove site if it isn’t set in i-doit but set in Checkmk
  • match: Warn about ignored objects or objects without unique identifiers


  • fetch-hosts/pull: Fetch HW/SW inventory data for all hosts if configuration setting i-doit.limitBatchRequests is smaller than the number of hosts.
  • match/pull/push: Use primary category entry from category hostadress to determine hostname used by Checkmk
  • pull: Do not import empty MAC addresses
  • pull: Prevent validation error caused by unknown property entry
  • pull: Print link to Checkmk if attribute “site” is available
  • pull: Validate data type of each tag identifier
  • pull: Do not leave any host without an import strategy (create, overwrite, merge or ignore)
  • pull: Decide import strategy for each host based on matching and configuration settings
  • pull: Do not create objects which should be ignored
  • push: Use IPv4 address which is explicitly marked as primary
  • Web GUI: Add missing translations in English

[1.5.1] – 2019-05-08#

This is a bug fix release after we received tons of useful feedback from our users.

Important notices:

  • Before installing/updating this add-on, please update to the latest version of i-doit (at least 1.12.2) and the API add-on (at least 1.10.2).
  • Before using any other commands, run sync-agents first and check your i-doit objects for missing values in category Check_MK Host, attribute Agent.


  • status: Check installed versions of Check_MK 2 and API add-on
  • sync-agents: Cleanup agent types in i-doit which aren’t available in Check_MK
  • sync-tags: Validate tags in i-doit before pushing them to Check_MK
  • pull/push: Add new configuration settings to identify required object types by their constants and objects by their titles
  • pull: Print links to i-doit and Check_MK for each object (only in debug mode)


  • Require i-doit >=1.12.2
  • Require API add-on >=1.10.2
  • pull/push/sync-tags/Extras > Check_MK 2 > Tags (static): Mark attribute Tag ID as optional
  • pull: Skip empty tag identifiers
  • pull: If model is given but vendor is unknown set vendor to n/a (and vice versa)
  • pull: Support more bandwidth options
  • sync-agents: Fetch agent types directly from Check_MK and do not rely on a pre-defined list of agent types
  • sync-tags: Do not allow to sync duplicate tag IDs, empty group titles or changed tag IDs
  • sync-tags/sync-agents: Include built-in host tag groups, for example: agent type, SNMP, IP address family
  • init: Do not force to configure most settings which have proper defaults; just ask nicely
  • Add performance boost while fetching objects from i-doit by tweaking API calls
  • Replaced deprecated i-doit API methods
  • help/--help/-h: Improve included documentation
  • Abort application run on any PHP error
  • Category Check_MK Host: Print message if host/object not found
  • Category Check_MK Host: Remove link to command log (prevents 403 forbidden error message)
  • fetch-hosts/fetch-objects/delete-hosts: Exit with status code 2 if host/object not found
  • Build binary: Replace BZip2 with GZip compression after autoloading failed because of wrong checksums


  • pull: Fix API calls to prevent validation errors in attributes active, primary and export_ip
  • pull: Avoid errors when archiving data in overwrite mode
  • pull: Do not create new objects in i-doit if configuration setting pull.createObjects is disabled
  • pull: Do not warn about missing host tags because they are dynamically created by i-doit
  • pull: Do not try to add network port with zero bandwidth
  • pull: Select proper attributes to import CPUs
  • pull: Do not overwrite hostname selection in categories Check_MK Host and Livestatus if object is updated
  • pull/fetch-hosts: Fix filtering by Check_MK site with option --include-site
  • pull/match: Do not try to match objects by unspecified hostname selection in category Check_MK Host
  • pull/push/match: Do not try to create already existing object which has a match with a host
  • push: Do not miss any host-related contact group if more than one group is assigned to an object
  • push: Do not push tag IDs in lower-case
  • push: Validate possible identifiers before using one of them
  • push: Do not push any object with option --include-ids which is disabled for export
  • push: Add parents to existing host or overwrite current parents or remove them properly
  • push: Add or remove alias to/from host properly
  • push/fetch-objects: Prevent error “Found invalid result for request in batch” if --include-ids filters by unknown objects
  • sync-tags: Do not forget to strip HTML tags from tag group title before syncing to Check_MK
  • Installation/update: Grant “Admin” group access to Extras > Check_MK 2 in Web GUI
  • Extras > Check_MK 2 > Tags (static): Edit/delete/sort static host tags in i-doit
  • Administration > Interfaces / external data > Monitoring > Check_MK 2: Fix updating configuration settings
  • Administration > CMDB settings > Dialog-Admin: Make dialog+ attributes agent, site and WATO folder available
  • Category Check_MK Host/Check_MK Tags: Do not create duplicate assignments to object types after update
  • Category Check_MK Host: Write full command output incl. STDERR to log file
  • Category Check_MK Tags: Make “dynamic tags” and “CMDB tags” available in reports

[1.5.0] – 2018-12-18#

First public release 🎉

Important notes:

  • Because of several major changes in i-doit we had to increase minimum versions of i-doit and API add-on.
  • Please re-run idoitcmk init to update configuration setting pull.attributes.
  • From now on, you need a valid license for this add-on. Download your license file from https://portal.i-doit.com/.


  • push/pull/match: Validate hostname specified in i-doit
  • Add more pre-checks: Please do not use neither PHP version < 7.0.0 nor super-user “root”


  • Require i-doit, at least version 1.12
  • Require i-doit API add-on, at least version 1.10
  • Enforce license check
  • Remove dependency from legacy Check_MK add-on
  • Migrate tag configuration from Extras > Check_MK to Extras > Check_MK 2
  • Migrate category Check_MK (Host) > Export parameter to Check_MK Host
  • Migrate category Check_MK (Host) > Host tags to Check_MK Tags
  • Re-name category constant C__CATG__CMK_DEF to C__CATG__CMK2
  • Re-name category constant C__CATG__CMK_TAG to C__CATG__CMK2_TAG
  • Re-name category constant C__CMDB__SUBCAT__NETWORK_PORT to C__CATG__NETWORK_PORT in configuration setting pull.attributes
  • Re-name category constant C__CMDB__SUBCAT__NETWORK_INTERFACE_L to C__CATG__NETWORK_LOG_PORT in configuration setting pull.attributes


  • push: Fix error while archiving category entries
  • sync-folders: Fix typos
  • pull: Accept only EUI-48 MAC addresses (48-bit)

[1.4.0] – 2018-11-05#

Remember, remember, the fifth of November… 🎃


  • push: Add management board address to host based on a object-related remote management controller
  • sync-tags: Import host tags and host tag groups from i-doit into Check_MK
  • sync-tags: Filter objects to sync their dynamic CMDB tags with Check_MK
  • sync-tags: Do not re-import dynamic CMDB tags from Check_MK into i-doit
  • sync-tags: Activate (foreign) changes after adding new host tags to Check_MK


  • Fix error when installing add-on in i-doit admin center without parallel login to i-doit tenant
  • fetch-objects: Print URL without PHP notice

[1.3.0] – 2018-09-10#

Important note: There are changes in the configuration settings. Re-configure your application with idoitcmk init.


  • push: Validate regular expressions in configuration setting push.autoTagging
  • status: Test loaded PHP extensions
  • Make it optional to fetch “effective” attributes from hosts in Check_MK, but enable it by default
  • Add new configuration setting check_mk.webAPI.effectiveAttributes (set to true by default)
  • fetch-objects: Print URL to each i-doit object
  • fetch-hosts: Print URL to each Check_MK host
  • push/fetch-objects: Increase performance dramatically if the only filter option is --include-ids


  • pull: Ignore empty host tags
  • pull: Ignore host tag groups address_family and snmp (they are not available via Check_MK Web API call)


  • push: Do not ignore IP address
  • push/pull/match: Check for every object attribute whether it exists before matching it against host attributes
  • Configure individual proxy hosts for both i-doit JSON-RPC API and Check_MK Web API
  • Verbose mode: Do not print that no objects have been found by blacklisted object types

[1.2.0] – 2018-07-09#

Important notice: Before installing/updating this add-on, please update your i-doit instance to the latest version (currently 1.11).


  • Trigger idoitcmk commands within i-doit category Check_MK (Host)
  • delete-hosts: Delete hosts in Check_MK
  • push: Activate all changes including foreign changes by configuration setting push.activateForeignChanges


  • Require i-doit, version 1.11 or higher


  • push, fetch-objects: Increase performance when using option --include-type
  • push, fetch-objects: Include dynamic host tags

[1.1.0] – 2018-05-24#

Important notice: Default configuration has changed. Setting pull.identifier has new value user-defined.


  • pull: Import IPv4 addresses and network ports from GNU/Linux and other non-windows systems
  • pull: Add speed to network ports
  • -v|--verbose: Print number of API requests
  • match: Match objects from i-doit with hosts from Check_MK
  • pull: Match object with host by user-defined value for attribute Hostname in category Check_MK (Host) > Export parameter


  • pull: Import right amount of CPU cores

[1.0.0] – 2018-04-30#


  • pull: Import CPU model, manufacturer and max. frequency


  • pull: Do not enable monitoring via Livestatus if attribute “site” is not available for Check_MK host


  • pull: Prevent PHP warnings while accessing unknown information

[0.10] – 2018-04-27#

Important note: There are changes in the configuration settings. Re-configure your application with idoitcmk init.


  • pull: Allow more than one IPv4 address per network adapter
  • pull: Assign IPv4 addresses to physical/logical network ports
  • pull: Import information about (virtual) video cards/chips
  • New configuration setting pull.attributes.C__CATG__GRAPHIC; defaults to true


  • pull: Sometimes host is missing in import cue when there is a match with an object
  • pull: Do not forget to add primary IPv4 address to category “Check_MK (Host) > Export parameter”
  • push: Do not forget to add host tags based on configuration setting push.autoTagging
  • sync-tags: Incomplete host group tags may cause errors
  • Configuration setting push.autoTagging: Missing slashes in regular expressions

[0.9] – 2018-04-25#

Important note: There are changes in the configuration settings. Re-configure your application with idoitcmk init.


  • pull: Look for IP address configuration in hardware/software inventory from Check_MK
  • pull: Assign IP addresses to proper subnets in i-doit
  • pull: Use ipaddress attribute as fallback if there are no addresses found in hw/sw inventory
  • pull: Create or update link in i-doit object to host in Check_MK
  • New configuration setting pull.attributes.C__CATG__ACCESS; defaults to true


  • pull: Convert drive capacity to proper unit


  • Let user overwrite (not merge) configuration settings pull.identifier and blacklistedObjectTypes
  • pull: Do not ignore RAM, CPU sockets and cores

[0.8] – 2018-04-19#


  • pull: Add static host tags to i-doit objects
  • push: Show more details if a host identifier is used by more than one i-doit object


  • pull: Prevent mismatches for i-doit objects and Check_MK hosts
  • pull: Handle i-doit objects with missing attributes properly

[0.7] – 2018-04-19#

Important notes:

  1. Activate MK_Livestatus in Check_MK
  2. There are changes in the configuration settings. Re-configure your application with idoitcmk init.


  • push: Look for duplicate identifiers (object title, hostname, FQDN, user-defined) used by objects in i-doit
  • status: Check connection to MK_Livestatus and check Check_MK version
  • New configuration setting roles.monitoring to define i-doit role for contact groups assigned to objects


  • pull: Remove merge mode because it does not make sense for all categories which can be updated


  • pull: Archive entries for enabled categories only
  • pull: Respect ignore mode
  • init: Ask for configuration setting pull.updateObjects

[0.6] – 2018-04-13#


  • status: Print warning if configuration setting i-doit.url looks insufficient
  • push: Print warning if object is not enabled by attribute active in category Check_MK (Host) > Export parameter


  • push: PHP warning is thrown while fetching a contact without specified role
  • pull/fetch-hosts: Prevent HTTP error code 414 URI Too Long while fetching hw/sw inventory data from Check_MK

[0.5] – 2018-04-12#

This release fixes several issues in required packages.


  • Add requirements for PHP modules bzip2 and phar
  • Do not look for configuration settings in /root/.idoitcmk/config.json


  • Avoid duplicates in configuration settings
  • Remove backslashes from configuration settings
  • Fix several problems while parsing responses from Check_MK Web API

[0.4] – 2018-04-05#


  • fetch-objects: Read information about objects from i-doit
  • fetch-hosts: Read information about hosts from Check_MK


  • Decreased binary file size

[0.3] – 2018-03-09#


  • help/init/configtest/print-example-config/print-config/list: Validation error for missing/invalid configuration settings

[0.2] – 2018-03-08#

This release is dedicated to all women.


  • push: Use primary IP address if no other is given
  • push/pull: Print more information what is going on when there is a huge amount of objects to be fetched from i-doit
  • Print current configuration settings with command print-config
  • Validate configuration settings before any command is executed


  • push: Continue even if any discovery of services failed


  • pull: Do not try to fetch objects by type from i-doit if there are no objects available
  • sync-folders: Keep in mind WATO folders “/” and "" (empty string) are the same
  • sync-folders: PHP error when WATO folder is copied from i-doit to Check_MK

[0.1] – 2018-03-05#

First release!


  • push: Generate WATO configuration based on CMDB data
  • pull: Import inventory data into CMDB
  • sync-agents: Import agents types from Check_MK to i-doit
  • sync-contact-groups: Sync contact groups between Check_MK and i-doit
  • sync-folders: Sync WATO folders between Check_MK and i-doit
  • sync-sites: Import monitoring sites from Check_MK to i-doit
  • sync-tags: Import tag groups from Check_MK as static host tags to i-doit
  • print-example-config: Print all configuration settings as an example
  • More commands: help, list, init, status, configtest, print-example-config, build-test-environment