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Release Notes 31#

We’re happy to announce i-doit pro 31. This version mainly focuses on compatibility and quality. Alongside our usual bug fixes we added an updated file browser to improve the upload experience for files to i-doit. We also reworked the WYSIWYG editors to increase their look and feel as well as the option to directly paste images into your text and upload them to i-doit to prevent them from being stored directly in the database.. We encourage you to update to this release as soon as possible to benefit from all of these improvements.


Please be aware that i-doit 31 will have updated system requirements. Make sure your system fulfills those by using the following versions:

  • PHP 8.0 - 8.2
  • MariaDB 10.4 - 10.11
  • MySQL 5.7 & 8.0

Please update your system before updating i-doit if your version is not matching the versions listed above.

Highlights in this release#

  • New file browser to improve the upload of files to i-doit
  • Reworked design for the WYSIWYG editor
  • Improved upload/pasting of images in WYSIWYG editor


Alongside i-doit 31 we also release the following Add-ons which include some bug fixes:

We also recommend updating those add-ons to benefit from all improvements.