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Controller (removed in v26)#

Please create a complete backup before making any changes to an interface/import. If the result is not satisfying, it can then be restored

i-doit possesses a command line tool called controller.


Since version 1.10 the controller is marked as outdated and will be removed in one of the next releases. The console is the alternative choice.

First Steps#

The controller is located in the main folder of i-doit. If you have followed the installation guide, then the main folder will be located at /var/www/html/i-doit/ for Debian-based operating systems:

$ ll /var/www/html/i-doit/controller
-rwxrwxr-- 1 www-data www-data 314 Jul  7 14:23 /var/www/html/i-doit/controller

In order to avoid errors it is important to execute the controller with the same user who uses the web server. In the example this is www-data. It's also important to change to the main folder of i-doit prior to executing the controller:

$ cd /var/www/html/i-doit/
$ sudo -u www-data ./controller

Usage: controller.php [OPTION] [PARAMETERS]
e.g.:  controller.php -v -m workflow
-m HANDLER   Load handler HANDLER module.
-u username  i-doit username
-p password  i-doit password
-i tenant    ID of tenant to connect to (use './tenants ls' for a list)
-h           This help text
-v           Verbose mode
-d           Displays ALL debug messages

HANDLER can be one of the following availlable handlers:
addldapdn, archivelog, cleanup_auth, cleanup_objects, csv_import, import, isc_dhcpd, jdisc, jdisc_discovery, ldap, maintenance, nagios, nagios_export, notifications, ocs, regenerate_relations, report, syslog, tenants, updatecheck, workflow

This script has to be executed in a slightly different manner in Windows operating systems since they cannot handle the bash script of the controller:

php.exe controller.php

Client and Credentials#

To use the controller, an authentication for i-doit is needed. For this a username (-u), password (-p) and the unique ID of the client to be used (-i) are required.

The user "controller"

It is recommended to create a dedicated user for the controller in i-doit. If the user is to be configured as local user, create an object of the type Persons ** with the desired credentials in the Persons → Login category. This user should receive administrator rights. This can be achieved by an assignment to the predefined Person group** Admin.

In order to find out which unique ID belongs to a specific client, the following command can be used:

$ sudo -u www-data ./tenants ls
Mandator-Handler initialized (2015-07-22 10:32:42)
Availlable Mandators:
ID: Title (Language) (host:port) [status]
1 : ACME IT Solutions (localhost:3306) [active]
2 : Schulz GmbH (localhost:3306) [active]

The ID is generally 1 for i-doit installations with just one client.


The controller is capable of performing various actions. These in turn are represented by the handler. To call up a specific handler the parameter -m is required.

List of Handlers#


Handler pro version open version Add-on Description
addldapdn yes yes Synchronize the distinguished name (DN) of users from a LDAP/AD (see LDAP category)
archivelog yes yes Archive logbook entries
check_mk yes yes Write the actual status from network monitoring into logbook
cleanup_auth yes yes Clean up the authorization system
cleanup_objects yes yes Clean up objects
csv_import yes Import data from a CSV file
document Documents Create a new revision of a document
import yes yes Import i-doit XML or h-inventory XML
increment_config yes yes Set auto_increment of MariaDB / MySQL tables to a positive integer value
isc_dhcpd yes yes Export configuration for ISC DHCPD
jdisc yes yes Import files from JDisc
jdisc_discovery yes yes Activate a discovery job at JDisc
ldap yes yes Import data from a LDAP directory or Active Directory (AD)
maintenance Maintenance Send e-mails with planned maintenance works
nagios** yes yes Write the actual status from network monitoring into logbook
nagios_export yes yes Export Nagios configuration
notifications yes yes Send notifications per e-mail
ocs yes yes Import data from OCS Inventory NG
regenerate_relations yes yes Recreate object relations
report yes Export a report as file
search_index yes yes Search in i-doit or create/renew search index
syslog yes yes Import data from Syslog in i-doit logbook
tenants yes yes List, activate and deactivate tenants
updatecheck yes yes Search for updates in i-doit
workflow yes yes Send Workflow notifications per e-mail

Configuration of Handlers#

Set Additional Parameters#

Some handlers require further options which can be given directly to the controller via specific parameters. To see which parameters these are, click on the links in the handler list.

Adjust the Configuration File#

For some handlers a respective configuration file exists. Examples can be found beneath the main folder of i-doit in src/handler/config/examples/. In order for a configuration file to be in effect, it has to be available in the src/handler/config/ folder.