Please create a complete backup before making any changes to an interface/import. If the result is not satisfying, it can then be restored
In this example we build on the CSV import of locations and want to import workplaces. These are to be assigned to a room as a location and furthermore we want to assign clients, monitors and printers to the workplaces.
This article was last checked for i-doit version 1.17.1
For the import we need the following information:
Object title → the name of the workstation, client, screen or printer.
Location → under which location the object should be located
Object type → what type of object it should be
Workplaces assignment → to which workstation the component should be assigned
There are also dependencies in this example. The locations already exist, they were created via the location creation example. Next come the workstations themselves, we must create these first, so that we can then directly assign the individual components such as clients, monitor and printer to them. Therefore, the individual workstations are also in first place in the CSV file.
For the import we go back to the CSV import area. The settings in the upper area remain at the default settings and we click on Prepare Mapping:
Now we can make the import configuration in the lower area as follows, and then start the import process:
If we have done everything correctly, the individual workstations will now appear, are assigned to a location and under each workstation we will find an assigned client, monitor and printer.