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Import inventory data into CMDB#

You let checkmk monitor all your hosts? You let checkmk collect basic information about your hardware/software? Well, why not share these information with your CMDB? Import or update objects in i-doit by running:

idoitcmk pull

Recommendation: Run this command every time you alter your WATO configuration in checkmk or whenever checkmk's inventory agents find new hardware/software information.


These options are available during runtime:

Option Required Description
--include-alias STRING No Filter hosts by alias
--include-folder STRING No Filter hosts by WATO folder
--include-hostname STRING No Filter hosts by name
--include-ipaddress STRING No Filter hosts by IPv4/v6 address
--include-os STRING No Filter hosts by operating system
--include-site STRING No Filter hosts by monitoring site
--include-tag TAG No Filter hosts by tag

STRING means any string including wildcards *, ? and [ae]. Repeat option to match more than one STRING. For example, fetch all hosts with a GNU/Linux or Windows operating system:

idoitcmk pull --include-os "*Linux*" --include-os "*Windows*"

Any combination of these filters are logically combined by or. For example, fetch all hosts with suffix or in folder cloud:

idoitcmk pull --include-hostname "*" --include-folder "cloud"

TAG is like STRING but is a key/value combination with the tag name and its value. For example, fetch all hosts marked as business critical:

idoitcmk pull --include-tag "criticality=critical"


These configuration settings are available:

Key Type Required Default Description
pull.createObjects Boolean No true Unknown hosts will be created as new objects
pull.objectType String No C__OBJTYPE__SERVER Set the object type constant for new objects
pull.updateObjects String No overwrite If host is found in i-doit overwrite existing category entries, or ignore them
pull.identifier Array No ["title", "hostname", "fqdn", "hostaddress", "alias"] Look for these identifiers to match hosts with objects; see section "Identifiers"
pull.minMatch Integer No 2 Object and host must share a minimum amount of identifiers
pull.attributes Array No See section "Attributes" List of category constants which will be altered; see section "Attributes"
pull.enableExport Boolean No true Write host configuration to category Check_MK Host
pull.enableLivestatus Boolean No true Write host configuration to category Monitoring
pull.ports String No physical Add/update physical or logical network ports
roles.monitoring String No Monitoring i-doit role for contact groups used in contact assignments