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Via the Floorplan add-on it is possible for you to assign graphical plans to all objects which are location objects, to match them with measurements and to position the locally assigned objects in this plan.


This add-on is installed via the admin center. Afterwards you will find it at Add-ons → Floorplan.


Rights assignment#

Under Administration → User permissions → Floorplan, rights for persons and groups of persons can be adjusted.

Rights assignment

Create a Floorplan#


To create a room plan, click on the Plus symbol next to the respective location object in the location view and then save the floorplan. After click on Edit the Change background image button can be used to place graphics such as the floorplan of a room in the background of the floorplan. A Layout can be created and saved using the Layout-Editor. A scale can be added to this graphic using the Set scale button. The dimensioning of the room helps with the subsequent positioning of objects so that they can be displayed to scale according to their defined form factor. The following graphic formats are supported for the floorplan: bmp, png, jpg, jpeg, gif. The maximum file size is limited to 5 MB. It is also possible to create different layers and show or hide them.

Assign and Place Objects#

The location list can be used to display all spatially assigned objects:

Assign Objects

All objects can be placed on the room plan using the green Plus symbol, which is displayed as soon as the mouse is moved over the row. It is possible to place all assigned objects directly by clicking on the corresponding button in the room row.

Once the objects are on the plan, you can select them by clicking on them and then move them. Don't forget to click on Edit first.

Adjust and Form Objects on the Floorplan#

In the left area you will find the option to further adjust and form objects. As soon as an object is selected it can be edited:

Change position Choose / create objectform: The form of the object can be adjusted as desired. Custom forms can be saved.

Center Center on object: The selected object is centered in the middle of the screen.

Rotate Rotate: The object can be rotated in any desired way.

Unposition object Unposition object: The object disappears from the floorplan but can be added again using the object list.

radius This button opens a pop-up where you can define the object radius. The radius can be colored, displayed transparently and configured in various units of measurement.

Form factor The objects data from the Form factor category are applied via this button. The object will be scaled and displayed accordingly to the set scale of the floorplan.

selection list Certain object types can be shown or hidden within the floorplan using this selection list in the lower area.

The selected The selected object within the floorplan will be opened in a new tab inside the browser when you click this button.

When the object is selected in edit mode, it is highlighted with a flashing outline and further options for changing the shape and free rotation are available. The labeling can also be rotated.

edit Floorplan

Merging multiple Floorplan#

It should be possible to add a floorplan to a floorplan - let's think of a floor that contains several rooms. In this "floor" floorplan we want to position the "room" floorplan. We need to set some basic rules here - for example, we show only three levels of floorplan, that is:

Base floorplan:
-   obj A
-   obj B
-   floorplan A:
    -   obj C
    -   obj D
-   floorplan B:
    -   obj E
    -   obj F
    -   floorplan C (display as a empty block without its positioned objects)
        -   obj G
        -   obj H

Let us imagine we are currently viewing "main floorplan". We should be able to see the nested "floorplan A" and inside of that we should be able to see "floorplan B" (including "obj E" and "obj F"). But "floorplan C" will not be displayed as floorplan - instead it will look like a basic object, because we limit the nested floorplan to three levels (to prevent recursion, memory and performance issues).

How it works#

If you are viewing "main floorplan" you can move "floorplan A" and "floorplan B" like the other objects ("obj A" and "obj B") - you can not edit anything inside this imported

When can a nested floorplan be displayed?#

In order to display "floorplan A" as floorplan inside "main floorplan" it has to fulfill one of these conditions:

  • Have a background image
  • Have a layout

If one of these conditions is met, you will see the following icon, when editing a floorplan object (inside another floorplan): icon

The floorplan should be scaled to the previous object size, the layout / background image will be used to determine the scale.

Floorplan Profiles#

Floorplan Profiles

Profiles can be created so that only certain objects or attributes of the objects are displayed. A profile is supplied with the program. Of course, you can also create your own profiles.


To create a new profile, click on the Create a new profile button. It is also possible to duplicate a profile. After clicking on Create new profile we get to the editing view. Here we first assign the name of the profile. Then we can choose whether Open object view when clicking on object should be activated and whether Double-click on object to open in new tab should be activated.

Visualization options#

Highlight color

Highlight color: Here you can click to select a color that outlines the object when it is clicked.

Show object radius: This defines whether the object radius is displayed by default.

Default values#


Object Information#


This object information is then displayed in the object view under object information.

object information


Under Settings, you can define the profile globally or for specific users as the default.



A Floorplan can be exported as SVG or PNG file using the Export button.


Version Date Changelog
1.8 2024-02-27 [Task] Compatibility to i-doit 29, Colorpicker and PHP 8.2
1.7 2023-11-07 [Bug] MySQL8 causes database error "incorrect DATETIME" when opening Floorplan
[Bug] When turning an object, the text should also turn
[Bug] Language constant 'LC__CMDB__CATG__ACCOUNTING_ORDER_DATE' is not replaced
[Bug] Highlight 'add-on' instead of 'extras' menu
1.6 2022-09-05 [Task] PHP 8.0 Compatibility
[Task] Design Compatibility
1.5.1 2022-02-22 [Bug] Floorplan cannot be opened
1.5 [Improvement] It is possible to display a floorplan in a floorplan
[Improvement] It is possible to remove a layout from the floorplan
[Improvement] It is possible to remove the background from the floorplan
[Improvement] Show the object name of the current floorplan in the breadcrumb
[Bug] Function to inherit form factor data scales dimensions wrong
1.4.4 [Bug] Customizable header size
[Bug] Option to start chapter on new page is ignored
[Bug] When saving the contents of a subchapter, new subchapters are always created
[Bug] External Object function does not work in the Documents Add on
[Bug] Permissions for the document add-on are incorrect (Save Template)
[Bug] Creating documents always shows warning, empty templates exist
[Bug] Output of the primary contact is not possible
[Bug] Main object can no longer be edited in the Documents add-on when the grid is disabled
[Bug] Nach dem Speichern einer Dokumentvorlage werden die Einstellungen auf der Registerkarte Optionen falsch angezeigt
[Bug] Chapters from other document templates are not referenced correctly
1.4.3 [Improvement] Compatibility with i-doit 1.16
1.4.2 [Bug] Permissions for the document add-on are incorrect (Save Template)
[Bug] Authorizations for the document add-on are incorrect (Templates Visible)
[Bug] Headers are only displayed on the first page
[Bug] Attributes of SIM cards assigned to mobile phones cannot be displayed
[Bug] The output of a yes/no field with nothing selected "-" is not correct
[Bug] New revision of a document cannot be created if the list has been filtered
1.4.1 [Improvement] Create a document for multiple objects
[Improvement] Make floor plan available in the documents add-on
[Bug] Corrupted display of tables in PDF format
[Bug] The location path is displayed unsightly
[Bug] Selected attributes of master object are deleted when reopened
1.4 [Improvement] The size of the headings cannot be adjusted.
[Improvement] Images cannot be displayed over the entire header line
[Improvement] Remove requirement for PHPs "bcmath" extension
[Improvement] IF Queries in User-Defined Categories
[Bug] Placeholder represents only sub-request with one recursion depth
[Bug] Output of the primary contact is not possible
[Bug] Doku: Assigned objects from emergency plan delivers only first object
[Bug] Archived contacts of the category "contact assignment" are output
[Bug] Document templates cannot be sorted by creation date/change date
[Bug] PDF documents do not display the formatting correctly
[Bug] Image in footer is displayed in different sizes
[Bug] Tables were not properly truncated when this goes over two pages
[Bug] lines are unnecessarily high/wide in HTML documents
1.3.3 [Bug] Category "e-mail" description field no output in a table
[Bug] Placeholder for creation date/revision date also contains time of creation
[Bug] Export of enumerated fields from the wysiwyg editor is not possible
1.3.2 [Bug] Bad behavior with add-on license
1.3.1 [Bug] Empty table columns can trigger PHP warnings during revision creation
[Bug] Fix permission to import template from repository
1.3 [Improvement] Delete a room plan
[Improvement] Layers and transparency
[Improvement] Floorplan can now be deleted
[Improvement] Improve export options
[Improvement] Provide floorplan screenshots (e.g. documents add-on)
[Bug] The field label of the date field of self created categories is not displayed correctly
1.2.3 [Bug] Room plan can not be used with only "see" right
1.2.2 2019-07-05 [Bug] Buttons in navigation tree are not clickable
[Bug] Clicking a non-positioned object inside the navigation tree triggers a JS error
[Bug] Edit and save on the "splash screen" causes a SQL error
1.2.1 2019-05-20 [Bug] Creating a new room is not possible
[Bug] Defined i-doit address (URL) is ignored and the host name is used instead
[Bug] Profiles are not saved with references
[Bug] Cannot save profiles[Bug] Long object titles don't look good in the location tree
1.2 2018-12-05 [Improvement] Rotate objects freely instead of 90° steps
[Improvement] Export the floorplan as PNG
[Improvement] New function to open a selected object
[Improvement] GUI Update: display location tree
[Improvement] Rotate objects 45 instead of 90 degrees
[Improvement] A object-polygon can consist of 20 instead of 10 points
[Improvement] Make the polygon-editor more intuitive
[Improvement] Implement view and edit mode
[Improvement] Improve editing and positioning of objects
[Improvement] Objects can display an own radius
[Improvement] Splash screen with the five last updated/created floorplan
[Improvement] Make floorplan category more dynamic
[Improvement] Navigation tree displays positioned objects
[Improvement] New profiles analog to the CMDB-Explorer
[Improvement] Clicked objects should be displayed more prominently
[Bug] Update floorplan category with useful functions
[Bug] Font color is too dark for some object type colors
[Change] Replace object browser with location tree
1.1 2018-04-16 [Improvement]   The scale will now be displayed dynamically
[Improvement]   Smoother zoom
[Bug] Background image won't be displayed after uploading
[Bug] Misspelling of form factor in the English version of the floorplan
1.0.5 2017-10-02 [Bug] Object list won't be displayed properly
[Bug] Background image won't be displayed after moving the installation
[Bug] Floorplan shows objects with non-"normal" status
1.0.4 2017-05-02 [Bug] Self added icons do not scale in the floorplan extension
[Bug] Scale is not set, "form factor data" button is disabled
1.0.3 2016-10-24 [Improvement] Failure while uploading a background image
1.0.2 [Change] Compatibility with i-doit 1.8
[Bug] Object link is malformed when Wiki-URL is configured
[Bug] Read right is enough to make changes in Floorplan
1.0.1 2016-03-23 Initial release