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You can plan, coordinate and control maintenance dates with help of the Maintenance intervals add-on. Planned maintenance works can be linked to any objects. You will receive notifications automatically via e-mail so that you do not miss the maintenance works.

Download and Installation

You can subsequently install the Maintenance intervals add-on. The article "i-doit Add-ons" provides detailed descriptions regarding download, installation, updates etc.


A separate configuration is not planned.

Rights Management#

You can set rights for persons and person groups under Administration → Authorization system → Rights → Maintenance.

Condition Description
Planning Enables handling of maintenance works
Planning (archive) Enables handling of archived maintenance works
Email template Enables handling of e-mail templates
Overview Enables the generation of an overview
Send emails Enables the creation of a report

Planning Maintenance Works#

You can create and edit maintenance works under Extras → Maintenance → Planning.


The action bar contains the following functions:

Button Action
New Create a new maintenance work
Edit Edit selected maintenance works
Delete Delete selected maintenance works irrevocably
Finish Mark selected maintenance works as successfully completed
Send email Inform persons in question via e-mail about the maintenance works

action bar

When you create a new maintenance work, you can select the following options:

Option Description
Finish maintenance
Is this maintenance work already marked as completed?
Email dispatched Was an e-mail sent to the persons concerned?
Objects List of objects concerned by maintenance works
Maintenance type Here you can categorize maintenance works
*Maintenance date* Date/ period of the planned maintenance works
Comment Further details
Recipient Persons who the maintenance works are assigned to. They receive an e-mail if a corresponding e-mail address is assigned to them (Persons → Master data category). If person groups are the recipients, the members of the groups will be notified.
Assigned roles
As an alternative or in parallel with the recipients the assigned contacts can be notified by means of their roles (Contact assignment category).
Email template Which text do you want to send via e-mail (see below)?

maintenance work

Archived Maintenance Works#

If a maintenance work is marked as completed, it will not appear in the Planning section anymore (see above). Instead, it will be listed under Extras → Maintenance → Planning (archive).

Archived Maintenance Works

Create an Overview#

A detailed overview of all objects for which maintenance works have been planned or already completed can be found at Extras → Maintenance → Overview. You can define a time period for filtering purposes (option From and To).

Create an Overview

Create a Report#

You can create a report listing the planned and completed maintenance works and download it as PDF file. This function can be found under Extras → Maintenance → Maintenance annual report (Export). Alternatively, you can reach this function at Extras → Report Manager → Views → Maintenance annual report (Export). You can choose from the following options:

Option Description
Headline Headline of the report
Maintenance type
Restriction to a certain type
From Start date
To End date
Logo for PDF header
Additional picture which is included in each page; the picture has to be available as file object in i-doit beforehand.

With the PDF Export & Download button you can create the PDF file and download it.

PDF Export & Download

Maintenance Information for each Object#

During the performance of maintenance works for an object you can find a symbolic representation within the object. On every page of an object, i.e. the overview page or within the categories, you can see the information that the objects is In maintenance at the moment.

Maintenance Information for each Object

Maintenance Works on the Dashboard#

You can display the dates of scheduled and completed maintenance works in the calendar widget on the dashboard and highlight these dates.

calendar widget

Create E-mail Templates#

You can generate an e-mail for scheduled maintenance works to inform the persons involved. The persons are either specified as recipient or via their assigned roles. Under Extras → Maintenance → Email templates you can define which text is to be send via e-mail to the persons in question. Any number of templates is possible which can be assigned to each single scheduled maintenance work (see above).

Create E-mail Templates

Use the New button to create a new e-mail template and the Edit button to change an existing template. With Delete you can delete e-mail templates irrevocably.

The form to create or edit e-mail templates offers the following options:

Option Description
Title Subject line of the e-mail
Text Text of the e-mail

You can use placeholders for both the Title and the Text which are then replaced before the sending process. The list of available placeholders can also be found on this page.


Automatic Sending of E-mails#

Actually, the e-mails are sent via the console, the CLI Tool of i-doit, in the background. For this purpose, the maintenance handler is used. We recommend setting up a Cronjob for the automated sending of e-mails.


sudo -u www-data php console.php --username admin --password admin maintenance

Thus, you can automate the process and do not have to send e-mails manually anymore (Send emails button under Extras → Maintenance → Planning).

CLI console commands and options#

Command Internal system description
maintenance Sends notifications of scheduled maintenance from the Maintenance Add-on

This command is only available if the Maintenance add-on is installed


Sends e-mails with scheduled maintenance according to the time periods specified in the Maintenance add-on.


Parameter (short version) Parameter (long version) Description
-u --user=USERNAME Username of a user who is authorized to execute
-p --password=PASSWORD Password for authentication of the previously specified user
-i --tenantId=TENANT-ID Tenant ID of the tenant to be used (default: 1)
-h --help Help message for displaying further information
-q --quiet Quiet-Mode to deactivate output
-V --version Output of the i-doit Console version
Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output
-n --no-interaction Disables all interaction questions of the i-doit Console
-v / -vv / -vvv --verbose Increases the scope of the return. (1 = normal output, 2 = detailed output, 3 = debug level)

Example of use

sudo -u www-data php console.php maintenance --user admin --password admin --tenantId 1


Version Date Changelog
1.5 2024-10-10 [Bug] Fix autoload issue during add-on installation
1.4 2024-07-09 [Improvement] Send an email with all the objects within the maintenance
[Bug] Only one role can be selected to be notified
1.3 2023-11-07 [Task] Use new routes to display object and object type images / move add-on related files
1.2.2 2023-08-22 [Improvement] PHP 8.1 Compatibility
[Bug] Filter in list views not working
[Bug] Creating a new E-Mail template does not work when the objecttype constant of client,server or switch or not available
1.2.1 2023-01-24 [Bug] Error when sending multiple mails
1.2 2022-09-05 [Task] PHP 8.0 Compatibility
[Task] Design Compatibility
[Bug] HTML code in browser message
1.1.4 2021-01-18 [Improvement] Compatibility with i-doit 1.16
1.1.3 2020-10-20 [Bug] Maintenance without an object can be completed despite the error message
[Bug] Keeping the filters in add-on "Maintenance"
[Bug] Maintenance report shows the wrong period
[Bug] Placeholder model>manufacturer is swapped with model>title
[Bug] Email notification notifies archived contacts
1.1.2 2019-07-31 [Bug] Column 'Person (Role)' is empty when exporting
[Bug] Maintenance report: periods underneath each other to save space[Bug] Export of corrects duplicates objects
[Bug] Double mailing possible for recurring maintenance
[Bug] Maintenance can not be completed
1.1.1 2018-12-05 [Bug] Export does not report assigned contacts in the report
[Bug] Object browser for recipients shows no results
1.1 2018-04-16 [Improvement] Multiple selection of types in the report view
[Improvement] Definition of times for beginning and end of maintenance
[Improvement] Recurring maintenances
[Improvement] Maintenance handler redirects to command and create command with logic from handler
1.0.3 2017-12-18 Initial release