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This add-on is no longer developed and was replaced by Viva 2

The VIVA add-on is dedicated to the topic of information security based on IT-Grundschutz. It supports the user in the relevant documentation processes to establish an Information Security Management System (ISMS) in an organization.

Table of contents#

  1. Introduction to VIVA
    1. IT-Grundschutz
    2. To whom this document is addressed
    3. Structure of this document
  2. Preparation of the VIVA installation
    1. System requirements
    2. Download
    3. Install
    4. Update
    5. Activate/Deactivate
    6. Uninstall
    7. Rights management
    8. Migrate from previous ITGS module
  3. Procedure with VIVA
    1. Manage IT-Grundschutz catalogs
    2. Modeling information networks
    3. Create target groups
    4. Assign target objects
    5. Target group inheritance
    6. Define protection requirement categories
    7. Define protection needs
    8. Assign modules
    9. Implement measures
    10. Answer test questions
    11. Perform supplementary security analysis
  4. Risk analysis according to IT-Grundschutz
    1. Identify hazards
    2. Evaluate hazards
  5. Reports with VIVA
    1. Create audits
    2. Reference documents
  6. Support audits with VIVA
  7. VIVA Wizards
    1. Target group wizards
    2. Protection needs wizards
  8. Object Category VIVA
  9. VIVA widget


  • Example of a possible workflow
  • FAQ about VIVA


Version Date Changelog
1.5.5 [Bug] Audits exported via PDF are displayed incorrectly
1.5.4 [Bug] IT-Grundschutz catalogues cannot be imported
[Bug] Audits exported via PDF are displayed incorrectly
[Bug] The buttons are not completely displayed in the navbar
1.5.3 [Bug] Load audits without the necessary rights
[Bug] VIVA tables are not created for multi-tenant instances
[Bug] The inheritance function of measures could not be performed.
[Bug] The VIVA add-on could not be installed on i-doit version 1.10.x.
[Bug] Link to VIVA within an object
1.5.2 2018-01-25
[Bug] Category VIVA cannot be used
[Bug] Error when editing comments
[Bug] Connected elements in menu are not updated, even when reloading the page
[Bug] Error while installing the VIVA add-on
[Bug] CSV export of linked safeguards shows not the right data
[Bug] Report "Applications" shows operating systems
[Bug] Report "implemented safeguards" mixes informations domains
[Bug] Report "linked CIs" mixes informations domains
[Bug] Umlauts are not displayed correctly during PDF export
[Bug] VIVA: Target objects not being displayed in left menu tree
[Bug] VIVA: Negative numbers are displayed in the Linked safeguards field within the Linked modules
[Bug] Category doesn't show any members of common target groups
[Bug] Category doesn't show any linked module
[Bug] When creating a link to a measure, a database error message occurs
[Bug] Error when accessing VIVA via icon in category list of objects
[Bug] VIVA add-on can not be installed
[Bug] Confirmation by enter / return leads to an HTTP / 500
[Bug] Number of unreacted actions wrong
[Bug] Handling of connected self defined controls within target objects faulty, will create database error
1.5.1 2017-05-02 [Bug] Report for supplementary security analysis shows false positives
[Bug] Report for group inheritance is marked red, but shows no results
[Bug] Report for applications shows operating systems
1.5 2016-06-03 [Improvement] Upgrade and connection from "IT-Verbünden" to new imported "Grundschutzkatalog"
[Improvement] Import of "IT-Grundschutz-Katalog 15 EL."[Bug] Error in export: E_WARNING: Illegal string offset 'type' production
1.4.3 [Bug] Contacts linked by VIVA can't be purged.
[Bug] Line break in comment field results with errors in tree
1.4.2 [Improvement] Improved representation of assistants