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Reports with VIVA#

To ensure continuous quality assurance, the VIVA add-on supports the user with a series of reports (also called "reports"). These are primarily suitable for visualizing missing or insufficient information during the actual documentation. The reports accompany the user through the entire documentation process.

The result is again the audit, which forms the final report of the project and leads to a possible certification according to ISO 27001 based on IT-Grundschutz.

Different reports are available for each information network. They can be accessed within VIVA via the menu tree under Information Networks → Name of Information Network → Reports.

The overview page provides a real-time summary of all available reports. These are listed by name and visualized by a traffic light system:

A click on a report in the overview page or in the menu tree leads to detailed results. The reports all have a similar structure: A small description of what the report does is displayed above the page. Optionally, there is also a graph that shows the results visually. Below this is a tabular list of the results. For each line, it contains the most important information about a location that was identified as inadequate or defective. A click on a line leads to the corresponding location within the VIVA add-on. In this way, the user can quickly and easily correct the documentation.

Reports can not only be viewed within the VIVA-Add-on, i.e. within the browser, but can also be exported as PDF files. This has the advantage that a report can easily be forwarded or printed. The corresponding functionality is provided by the PDF button at the beginning of each report.

It makes sense to run the reports on a regular basis. Major changes to the documented data can thus be checked immediately for completeness and formal correctness, provided this can be mapped by an automatic algorithm.