Database Model#
Most of the settings and contents are saved in a Database Management System (DBMS) by i-doit. MySQL or MariaDB are applied as DBMS. But how is the structure of the i-doit database model?
Some of the over 400 tables of the tenant database are structured with help of a defined names scheme. For example, this is the reason why all i-doit tables have the prefix "isys_".
Other identifiers for CMDB categories are "cats" for specific categories and "catg" for global categories. They end with the English name of the relevant category and the suffix _list (for example, isys_catg_model_list, isys_catg_memory_list). The tables category accounts for 50% of the complete database. Another major part of the tables are dialog lists with which combo boxes are filled. Many of these special lists contain values about type and manufacturer and can be recognized because of their names, such as "type" or "manufacturer".
References (Foreign Keys)#
To avoid redundancies within the data scheme the i-doit databases are structured in a relational way and normalized according to the scheme of the third normal form. Foreign keys have a uniform designation (see also the paragraph for "Name Scheme") so that you can recognize them immediately.
Name Scheme#
Besides the designation of the single tables, there is a consistent concept for names which runs through all field designations of the i-doit tables. It starts with the name of the table, followed by the actual name of the column. For example, the id field of the table isys_catg_cpu_list is called:
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
Correspondingly, references to other fields (foreign keys) follow a similar principle. A reference always contains the complete name of the referenced column, so you can always see to which table column the reference points by means of the name.
Example object reference of a category:
1 2 3 |
Each object is a data record in the isys_obj table. Characteristics, such as the object type (servers, clients, routers etc.), creation date, status (normal, archived, deleted) and some additional attributes, are recorded in this table. The determination of the object type is carried out through referencing of the table isys_obj_type in which the respective characteristics and location (infrastructure, software etc.) are saved.
Global and Specific Categories#
Each category is reflected in the database as individual table and is in a 1:n relation to the object. As a basic principle there is a distinction between single values and lists. Single values are simple entries (for example, accounting or form factor) and only one entry per object exists in the table. On the other hand, lists enable multiple entries (CPU, memory, ports ...). In each data record of the global category there is a reference to a single object.
Example for the structure of the global category for a graphic card and global category for IP addresses:
isys_catg_graphic_list is above the foreign key isys_catg_graphic_list__isys_obj__id in relation to the object. Through the same scheme the IP address is in relation to the object:
isys_catg_ip_list contains the foreign key isys_catg_ip_list__isys_obj__id.
This results in the following SQL statement for the determination of all objects, their graphic cards and IP details:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
The same also applies to specific categories. A query for all net details of all net objects looks as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
Diagram: Relation between categories and objects
In the diagram you can see how an object is linked to the global category CPU. This category again accesses Dialog+ entries, such as manufacturer and type. The same happens with the global category Form factor which accesses the form factor type.
This diagram illustrates the relations of an object to the category "Host address" (IP). The object (for example, Server1) is in the the table isys_obj, the allocated IP addresses are in the table isys_catg_ip_list. Because of the detailed level of characteristics of the host address three additional tables are referenced beside the basic details (hostname, address ...):
- isys_connection, containing the connection to the net object
- isys_ip_assignment, determining the form of assignment of the IP (DHCP, static)
- isys_net_type, providing the net type
Users, Contacts, Persons, Person Groups#
Contacts, which may consist both of internal users and external persons in i-doit, are recorded in the table isys_obj with the respective object types. Internal users differ from external "contacts" only by the filling of content with i-doit authentication parameters (such as user name or password) in the table isys_cats_person_list. Groups (and right groups) are saved in isys_obj by the system_._
The logbook consists of entries in the table isys_logbook. This table again has some references to other tables. Important are the following tables:
- isys_logbook_archive (archived logbook entries)
- isys_logbook_event (events, such as created, changed or deleted)
- isys_logbook_level (alarm level for coloured presentation in the logbook and priority)
- isys_logbook_source (where was the event triggered, for example, internal or external source, Nagios etc.)
Overview of the Table#
CMDB categories
- isysgui_catg
- isysgui_cats
- isysgui_custom
Dialog table for accounting (isys_catg_account_list)
- isys_account
Tables for cable connections
- isys_cable_connection
- isys_cable_type
Global categories
- isys_catg_access_list
- isys_catg_accounting_list
- isys_catg_application_list
- isys_catg_backup_list
- isys_catg_connector_list
- isys_catg_contact_list
- isys_catg_controller_list
- isys_catg_cpu_frequency
- isys_catg_cpu_list
- isys_catg_distributor
- isys_catg_drive_list
- isys_catg_emergency_plan_list
- isys_catg_fc_port_list
- isys_catg_file_list
- isys_catg_formfactor_list
- isys_catg_global_category
- isys_catg_global_list
- isys_catg_graphic_list
- isys_catg_idic_list
- isys_catg_image_list
- isys_catg_ip_list
- isys_catg_ip_list_2_isys_catg_port_list
- isys_catg_ip_list_2_isys_netp_ifacel
- isys_catg_lic_list
- isys_catg_location_list
- isys_catg_logb_list
- isys_catg_maintenance_list
- isys_catg_manual_list
- isys_catg_memory_list
- isys_catg_model_list
- isys_catg_nagios
- isys_catg_nagios_list
- isys_catg_netp_list
- isys_catg_netv
- isys_catg_netv_list
- isys_catg_net_type_list
- isys_catg_odep_list
- isys_catg_overview_list
- isys_catg_port_list
- isys_catg_port_list_2_isys_netp_con
- isys_catg_port_list_2_isys_netp_ifacel
- isys_catg_power_consumer_list
- isys_catg_sanpool_list
- isys_catg_sound_list
- isys_catg_stor_list
- isys_catg_ui_list
- isys_catg_version_list
- isys_catg_virtual_list
- isys_catg_virtual_machine_list
- isys_catg_workflow_list
Specific categories
- isys_cats_access_point_list
- isys_cats_ac_list
- isys_cats_application_list
- isys_cats_building_list
- isys_cats_client_list
- isys_cats_cp_contract_list
- isys_cats_distributor
- isys_cats_emergency_plan_list
- isys_cats_enclosure_list
- isys_cats_file_list
- isys_cats_group_list
- isys_cats_lic_group
- isys_cats_lic_item
- isys_cats_lic_list
- isys_cats_location_generic_list
- isys_cats_maintenance_list
- isys_cats_monitor_list
- isys_cats_net_list
- isys_cats_pobj_list
- isys_cats_prt_emulation
- isys_cats_prt_list
- isys_cats_prt_paper
- isys_cats_room_list
- isys_cats_router_list
- isys_cats_san_list
- isys_cats_service_list
- isys_cats_switch_fc_list
- isys_cats_switch_net_list
- isys_cats_tapelib_list
- isys_cats_wan_list
- isys_cats_ws_net_type_list
Connections between objects and categories
- isys_connection
Contact references
- isys_contact
- isys_contact_data_item
- isys_contact_type
Object combinations
- isys_container
Dialog: Type of the mobile contract
- isys_cp_contract_type
Information about version and revision of the i-doit database
- isys_db_init
Dependencies, type of dependency
- isys_dependency
- isys_dep_type
Connection table for drive to storage
- isys_drive_list_2_stor_list
Export templates
- isys_export
Dialog: FC port medium
- isys_fc_port_medium
- isys_file_category (category)
- isys_file_group (group)
- isys_file_physical (path to physical file)
- isys_file_type (file types)
Group administration
- isys_group
Connection table of the rights groups to modules, objects, contacts or user sessions
- isys_group_2_isys_module
- isys_group_2_isys_obj
- isys_group_2_isys_person_intern
- isys_group_2_isys_user_session
Dialog: IP assignment
- isys_ip_assignment
LDAP configuration
- isys_ldap (connection to LDAP server)
- isys_ldap_directory (directory types)
- isys_location_image
Registration of locked objects (objects in process)
- isys_lock
- isys_logbook
- isys_logbook_archive
- isys_logbook_event
- isys_logbook_event_class
- isys_logbook_lc_parameter
- isys_logbook_level
- isys_logbook_source
Dialog: Reaction time for maintenance contracts
- isys_maintenance_reaction_rate
Dialog: Title of the working memory
- isys_memory_title
Dialog: Title of the model
- isys_model_title
Module administration
- isys_module
- isys_monitor_resolution
- isys_monitor_unit
Tables for the Nagios configuration
- isys_nagios_commands
- isys_nagios_config
- isys_nagios_contacts
- isys_nagios_contact_groups
- isys_nagios_dependency
- isys_nagios_host_escalations
- isys_nagios_nagioshosts
- isys_nagios_ndo
- isys_nagios_service
- isys_nagios_service_escalations
- isys_nagios_timeperiods
Dialogs for specific category Net (Layer 3-Net)
- isys_net_dns_domain
- isys_net_dns_server
- isys_net_type
- isys_net_type_title
Table for CMDB objects (configuration items)
- isys_obj
Table for CMDB object types (CI types)
- isys_obj_type
Object type group and connection table of object types to global categories
- isys_obj_type_2_isysgui_catg
- isys_obj_type_2_isysgui_catg_overview
- isys_obj_type_group
Table for organisations
- isys_organisation_intern_iop
Table for contacts
- isys_person_extern
- isys_person_intern
- isys_person_intern_iop
Port dialogs
- isys_port_duplex
- isys_port_negotiation
- isys_port_speed
- isys_port_standard
Power connection
- isys_power_con
- isys_power_female_socket
- isys_power_fuse_ampere
- isys_power_male_plug
Category General: Intended purpose
- isys_purpose
Role and rights administration
- isys_role
SAN capacity unit
- isys_san_capacity_unit
- isys_search
- isys_service_manufacturer
Raid level
- isys_stor_raid_level
Tape library
- isys_tapelib_type
Object tree groups (infrastructure, software, others)
- isys_tree_group
Time unit
- isys_unit_of_time
User locales, sessions and settings
- isys_user_locale
- isys_user_mydoit
- isys_user_session
- isys_user_setting
- isys_user_ui
- isys_wan_capacity_unit
- isys_wan_role
- isys_wan_type
Wifi specifications
- isys_wf_type_2_wf_tp
- isys_wlan_auth
- isys_wlan_channel
- isys_wlan_encryption
- isys_wlan_function
- isys_wlan_standard
Tables for workflow management
- isys_workflow
- isys_workflow_2_isys_workflow_action
- isys_workflow_action
- isys_workflow_action_parameter
- isys_workflow_action_type
- isys_workflow_category
- isys_workflow_status
- isys_workflow_template_parameter
- isys_workflow_type
Temporary tables
- temp_obj_data
Dialog-Plus Tables#
isys_ac_air_quantity_unit => Air-conditioning system: unit for air quantity
isys_ac_refrigerating_capacity_unit => Air-conditioning system: unit for cooling capacity
isys_guarantee_period_unit => Guarantee period: unit
isys_memory_unit => Memory: unit
isys_stor_unit => Storage: unit
isys_temp_unit => Temperature: unit
isys_ac_type => Air-conditioning system: type
isys_catd_drive_type => Drive: type
isys_catg_cpu_type => CPU: type
isys_catg_formfactor_type => Form factor
isys_cats_prt_type => Printer: type
isys_client_type => Client: type
isys_controller_type => Controller: type
isys_filesystem_type => File system
isys_memory_type => Memory: type
isys_monitor_type => Monitor: type
isys_port_type => Port: type
isys_power_fuse_type => Power object: fuse type
isys_power_connection_type => Power object: type of the connector
isys_room_type => Room: type
isys_stor_con_type => Storage: connection
isys_stor_type => Storage: device type
isys_ui_con_type => Interface: connection type
isys_ui_plugtype => Interface: plug type
isys_application_manufacturer => Applications: manufacturer
isys_catg_cpu_manufacturer => CPU: manufacturer
isys_controller_manufacturer => Controller: manufacturer
isys_graphic_manufacturer => Graphic cards: manufacturer
isys_memory_manufacturer => Memory: manufacturer
isys_model_manufacturer => Model: manufacturer
isys_sound_manufacturer => Sound cards: manufacturer
isys_stor_manufacturer => Storage: manufacturer
isys_controller_model => Controller: model
isys_stor_model => Storage: model
isys_depth_unit => Form factor: unit
isys_iface_manufacturer => Interface: manufacturer
isys_iface_model => Interface: model
isys_pc_manufacturer => Consumer: manufacturer
isys_pc_model => Consumer: model
isys_plug_type => Port: plug
isys_netx_ifacel_type => log. interface: type
isys_fc_port_type => FC port: type
isys_access_type => Access: access type