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Expert settings (Tenant related)#

The expert settings are a kind of "registry" of i-doit. Most settings are set via a option in the settings area. Also some option are only available when added here.


Usually it is not necessary to add or edit values in the expert settings. For normal use the Web GUI provides functions to control i-doit in all relevant cases.
Should you plan to carry out changes in the expert settings, we strongly recommend to make a backup beforehand. Some of the listed settings have a serious effect on the application. In case of doubt do not hesitate to ask for support.



Each setting consists of three parts:

Key Value Type
The Key assigns a unique name to the setting. If a key shouldn't exist yet, it can be added later. The Value is usually a string or a longer text or an integer value. With the Type you define the scope of the setting. A setting with the type Tenant-wide only affects the tenant with which the user is currently logged in. User means that the setting affects the User.

List of Settings#

Key Default Value Recommended Value Type Module
(Scope/Add-on in i-doit)
auth.logging 1 1 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Activates/ deactivates logging of authorization system notifications
auth.use-in-cmdb-explorer 0 0 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Activates considering of permissions in the CMDB explorer. Objects which don't have any rights assignments aren't displayed/ iterated.
auth.use-in-cmdb-explorer-service-browser 0 0 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Activates considering of permissions in the CMDB explorer Service Popup. The user only sees services for which he has permissions.
auth.use-in-object-browser 0 0 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Activates considering of permissions in the object browser. Objects which don't have any rights assignments aren't displayed. Already selected objects are displayed as "hidden".
auth.use-in-file-browser 0 0 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Activates considering of permissions in the object browser. Objects which don't have any rights assignments aren't displayed. Already selected objects are displayed as "hidden".
auth.use-in-location-tree 0 0 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Activates considering of permissions in the location tree. Objects which don't have any rights assignments aren't displayed/ opened.
cache.default-expiration-time 86400 86400 Tenant-wide setting Caching Determines the time (in seconds) for how long you want to preserve data in specific system-internal caches (for example, authorization system, analysis results)
ckeditor.font_names Arial;Courier New;Times New Roman;Helvetica Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Usable fonts in the WYSIWYG editor
cmdb.limits.order-threshhold 10000 1000 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Limitation of lines for the TableComponent, threshold from where only indexed fields can be sorted and filtered
cmdb.limits.obj-browser.objects-in-viewmode 8 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Maximum number of objects to be presented in view mode in the object browser
cmdb.limits.object-table-columns 10 10 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Decides how many columns are allowed to be shown in the object lists.
cmdb.limits.port-lists-layer2 5 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Limitation of the specified Layer2 nets in the port list
cmdb.limits.port-lists-vlans 10 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Limitation of the specified VLANs in the port list
cmdb.limits.port-overview-default-vlan-only 0 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Only the default VLAN is to be displayed in the port overview
cmdb.multiedit.text-size-in-px 120 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Size of the text in list editing Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Pattern for the generation of automatic inventory numbers in the accounting category
cmdb.only-show-ranked-entries-as-such 0 0 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Option to specify whether relationships to an archived object should be displayed as archived or normal
cmdb.quickpurge Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Activation/ deactivation of the quickpurge function
cmdb.skip-unidirectional-connection-ranking 0 0 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Option to specify whether links to an archived object should be displayed as archived or normal
cmdb.unique.hostname Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Activation/ deactivation of unique host names
cmdb.unique.ip-address Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Activation/ deactivation of unique IPs
cmdb.unique.layer-2-net Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Activation/ deactivation of unique Layer-2 IDs
cmdb.unique.object-title Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Activation/ deactivation of unique object titles
gui.empty_value Tenant-wide setting Core Specifies the presentation of an empty value in the GUI
gui.nat-sort.port-list 1 1 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Lexicographical sorting of the port list
jdisc.import-unidentified-devices false Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Activation/ deactivation of imports of unidentified JDISC objects
maxlength.dialog_plus 110 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Maximum length of characters for entries in dialog lists
maxlength.list.placeholder Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Maximum number of referenced objects in lists
maxlength.location.objects 16 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Maximum number of objects to be displayed
maxlength.location.path 40 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Maximum length of location paths
maxlength.object.lists 55 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Maximum number of objects to be displayed in object lists 0 Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB Automatic deep search
security.passwort.minlength 4 Tenant-wide setting Core Minimum length for user passwords
qrcode.config Tenant-wide setting PRO/CMDB QR code configuration
Key Default Value Recommended Value Type Module
(Scope/Add-on in i-doit)
gui.leftcontent.width 235 350 User setting Core Defines the width of the left tree area in pixels
workflows.max-checklist-entries 7 User setting Workflows Maximum entries in check lists
gui.login.display user-name User setting PRO/CMDB Presentation of the name in the "logged in as" area:

user-name: lfischer
full-name: Dr. Leonard Fischer
full-name-plus: Dr. Leonard Fischer (lfischer)
first-last-name-abbreviation: L. Fischer