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Version 26#


Hotfixes fix a certain error and are usually provided as a ZIP file. The ZIP file is unpacked in the i-doit installation directory. Confirm the question whether you want to overwrite files during unpacking (Y key for "yes" or A key for "all"). Here you can find an example:

sudo cp i-doit_<version>_hotfix_<description>_<ticket>_<commit>.zip /var/www/html/i-doit/
cd /var/www/html/i-doit/
sudo -u www-data unzip i-doit_<version>_hotfix_<description>_<ticket>_<commit>.zip
sudo rm i-doit_<version>_hotfix_<description>_<ticket>_<commit>.zip

Please note

Please use hotfixes exclusively with the specified version. Hotfixes will be included in newer versions so that a renewed installation is not necessary. Should you use an older i-doit version it is essential to make an update to the latest version first.
If a hotfix is required to update an older version, it can be found in the hotfix subchapters here in the Knowledge Base.
As these are hotfixes we recommend installing them only when the adjustments are necessary for a flawless operation of your installation or you are requested by the support team to use them. Please ensure that you made a backup of i-doit before you use any hotfix.
Please inform us about the use of hotfixes should you contact our support team afterwards.

Current version

The requirements shown below apply to the current version of i-doit, in this case 26 These requirements are adjusted for each release of i-doit. If the requirements of older versions are needed, the change history of this page can be used.

Declaration of consent

By downloading a hotfix you declare that you have read and understood the above mentioned notes completely.

i-doit core#

JDisc import via console stops with error#

Related error message
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /srv/www/html/i-doit/src/classes/export/isys_global_ip_export_helper.class.php:192
Stack trace:
# 0 /srv/www/html/i-doit/src/classes/import/handler/isys_import_handler_cmdb.class.php(4574): isys_global_ip_export_helper->exportHostaddressAliases_import()
# 1 /srv/www/html/i-doit/src/classes/import/handler/isys_import_handler_cmdb.class.php(3399): isys_import_handler_cmdb->merge_missing_data()
# 2 /srv/www/html/i-doit/src/classes/import/handler/isys_import_handler_cmdb.class.php(1515): isys_import_handler_cmdb->import_categories()
# 3 /srv/www/html/i-doit/src/classes/modules/jdisc/src/Console/Command/JDiscImportCommand.php(337): isys_import_handler_cmdb->import()
# 4 /srv/www/html/i-doit/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(298): i-doit\Module\JDisc\Console\Command\JDiscImportCommand->execute()
# 5 /srv/www/html/i-doit/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(1046): Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run()
# 6 /srv/www/html/i-doit/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(299): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand()
# 7 /srv/www/html/i-doit/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(171): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun()
# 8 /srv/www/html/i-doit/console.php(26): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run()
# 9 {main}
thrown in /srv/www/html/i-doit/src/classes/export/isys_global_ip_export_helper.class.php on line 192

Disconnecting relation in custom category causes sql error#

When you get the following error when disconnecting a relation to a custom category:

SQL Error:
Database error : Query error: 'UPDATE isys_catg_relation_list SET isys_catg_relation_list__isys_obj__id__master = 222, isys_catg_relation_list__isys_obj__id__slave = NULL, isys_catg_relation_list__isys_obj__id__itservice = NULL, isys_catg_relation_list__isys_relation_type__id = 1, isys_catg_relation_list__status = 2, isys_catg_relation_list__description = '' WHERE isys_catg_relation_list__id = 799441;': Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`idoit_data`.`isys_catg_relation_list`, CONSTRAINT `isys_catg_relation_list_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`isys_catg_relation_list__isys_obj__id__slave`) REFERENCES `isys_obj` (`isys_obj__id`) ON DELET)"

It is not possible to retrieve the next online i-doit update via button check while updating i-doit#

When you click on the Check for a new version button then version 27 is not displayed, when available.

Wrong attribute name while reading through API#

When reading category C__CATG__IP hostname is the given attribute.

Status filter for multi value categories in report manager is not working correctly for custom categories#

Using to assign a object to a contract only assigns root location#

Description fields yield validation errors on 32bit systems#

When using a 32bit system and saving a global or specific category causes validation error.

Assigning a software via software assignment before assigning a operating system causes version number to disappear#

When assigning a Software before assigning a operating system, the version number of the operating system will disappear.

Changing technical keys to only contain words causes entries to lose the values when filled with API (Number only) AND Changing technical keys to only contain words causes entries to lose the values when filled with API (Dialog+) AND Changing technical key in multi value category causes problems in listview#

API Add-on 1.14.1#

Operating system > Version cannot be referenced via title, if a second operating system has the same version title#

This effects you when you get this API error message: i-doit system error: The specified version could not be assigned to this application"

Using API after update to i-doit pro 25 displays license error message#

Use this when you receive an error message like:

i-doit responded with an error: i-doit system error: Achtung: das "Checkmk 2" Modul ist aktuell nicht lizenziert

Analyze Add-on 1.3#

Service assignment is not displayed in data quality#

Forms Add-on 1.2.0#

Object is not created when a attribute validation is used and no error is displayed#

Floorplan Add-on 1.6#

MySQL8 causes database error "incorrect DATETIME" when opening Floorplan AND Adding new Floorplan gives Error message and deletes existing objects added to floorplan#