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Hotfixes fix a certain error and are usually provided as a ZIP file. The ZIP file is unpacked in the i-doit installation directory. Confirm the question whether you want to overwrite files during unpacking (Y key for "yes" or A key for "all"). Here you can find an example:

sudo cp i-doit_<version>_hotfix_<description>_<ticket>_<commit>.zip /var/www/html/i-doit/
cd /var/www/html/i-doit/
sudo -u www-data unzip i-doit_<version>_hotfix_<description>_<ticket>_<commit>.zip
sudo rm i-doit_<version>_hotfix_<description>_<ticket>_<commit>.zip

Please note

Please use hotfixes exclusively with the specified version. Hotfixes will be included in newer versions so that a renewed installation is not necessary. Should you use an older i-doit version it is essential to make an update to the latest version first.
If a hotfix is required to update an older version, it can be found in the hotfix subchapters here in the Knowledge Base.
As these are hotfixes we recommend installing them only when the adjustments are necessary for a flawless operation of your installation or you are requested by the support team to use them. Please ensure that you made a backup of i-doit before you use any hotfix.
Please inform us about the use of hotfixes should you contact our support team afterwards.

Current version

The requirements shown below apply to the current version of i-doit, in this case 29 These requirements are adjusted for each release of i-doit. If the requirements of older versions are needed, the change history of this page can be used.

Declaration of consent

By downloading a hotfix you declare that you have read and understood the above mentioned notes completely.

i-doit core#

Migration error when updating (ID-10808)#

Is used for doing the update from 29 or 30 to 31. Unzip File and do the Update. Do not download the update package again, this would override the Hotfix.

Error message found in the Webserver logs
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: getDefaultConfiguration(): Argument #1 ($className) must be of type string, null given, called in

The encoding of umlauts are displayed in report titles at the database#

JDisc mapping error#

Related error message

Duplicate entry 'object-55-4052-80:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa,aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa,' for key 'isys_jdisc_mapping__type_device_serial_mac'. File: /data/www/idoit/src/classes/modules/jdisc/isys_module_jdisc.class.php Line: 4378

Templates are not displayed when the for e.g. Nagios Add-on is installed#

JDisc matches non existent object id#

Related error message

Database error : Query error: 'INSERT INTO isys_cmdb_status_changes SET isys_cmdb_status_changes__isys_obj__id = 111222, isys_cmdb_status_changes__isys_cmdb_status__id = 6;': Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (idoit_data.isys_cmdb_status_changes, CONSTRAINT isys_cmdb_status_changes_ibfk1 FOREIGN KEY (isys_cmdb_status_changes__isys_obj__id) REFERENCES isys_obj (isys_obj__id) ON DELETE CAS) . File: /srv/www/ Line: 574

Counter are not counting#

Forms Add-on 1.2.0#

Object is not created when a attribute validation is used and no error is displayed#

Using Forms to create an object bypasses validation "unique" check#

The only exception to unique checks are IPv4 addresses

Workflow Add-on 1.2#

Workflow Add-on User Permissions are not available#