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Automated contract term extension#

Was last tested for i-doit version 23

Use-Case: The contract of a client has passed the last termination date and has to be extended. To extend the contract we will use the command extend-contracts.

Step 1: Make the contract extend-contract capable#

In order to extend a contract with the extend-contracts command, it must meet a few requirements. To achieve this we have to edit the existing contract first.

The required settings can be found in the object view of the desired contract,

Contract → Contract information


Which we subsequently edit:

  • Runtime period we set to 1 year.
  • End of Contract by we set to Notice of termination.
  • Cancellation date remains empty.
  • Cancellation period which we set to 1 month and on contract end.


The prerequisites to run the command are as follows:

  • Runtime period must be filled in.
  • Contract end by must be set to termination
  • Cancellation date must be empty
  • Cancellation period must be in the past (the same day as today is not possible!)

Step 2: Apply extend-contracts#

To be able to apply the extend-contracts command, we need to go to the Console.

The command should look like this:

    sudo -u www-data php console.php extend-contracts --user user --password password

If the contract is configured correctly, the Console will show that the contract has been extended by 1 year.


Step 3: Automate#

Since we don't want to run the command by hand every time, we now create a cronjob. First we create a new cronjob:

    sudo nano /etc/cron.d/idoit-extend-contracts.

In this cronjob we add the following code:

    ## idoit cronjob idoit-extend-contracts

    15 6 * * www-data php /var/www/html/i-doit/console.php extend-contracts --user user --password password

With this code, the cronjob will run every day at 6:15 am and will automatically extend the contracts if they meet the requirements.
The only important thing is, that the path to the Console is correct and that you use the username and password of the idoit instance.