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Changelog 1.13#

[Task][List editing] Multiple hardware RAIDS appear in list edit although none were created
[Improvement][Code (internal)] Securiy update for external libraries
[Improvement][Code (internal)] i-doit no longer supports PHP 5.6, minimum requirement is PHP 7
[Improvement][Code (internal)] Check for duplicate assigned categories after add-on installation
[Improvement][LDAP] Sync attributes objectSid and objectGUID via LDAP
[Improvement][Update] Improve i-doit updater
[Improvement][Installation] Compatibility for PHP 7.3
[Improvement][Installation] Add support for newer MariaDB versions
[Improvement][Lists] New attribute "contact + role" for object lists - thanks to Christian Haase
[Improvement][Service] Services: Service View for other object types in the menu-tree
[Improvement][Console-base Installation/Update/Licensing] Console-based management of i-doit tenants
[Improvement][Console-base Installation/Update/Licensing] Console-based Licensing of i-doit
[Improvement][Console-base Installation/Update/Licensing] Console-based management of i-doit add-ons
[Change][Categories] Multi Dialog Plus fields do not use new line
[Bug][Categories] Data in the Monitoring category cannot be saved.
[Bug][Categories] The Form Factor category does not store any data in the overview.
[Bug][Categories] Saved profiles of the QCW are visible in all clients.
[Bug][Categories] Archived attributes are displayed in the list view of the object type
[Bug][Categories] Add attribute "Telephone rate" to the category SIM card in the dialog admin
[Bug][Categories] Changing database field type for license keys to allow longer license keys
[Bug][Categories] Option to select database instance also offers archived/deleted instances for selection
[Bug][Categories] Sorting and Filtering Live Status
[Bug][Categories] Standard filtering of CMDB status
[Bug][Categories] Attribute priority can not be selected to be shown in list of multi value category "softwareassignment"
[Bug][Categories] Single check of each categories when installing the pro add-on
[Bug][Categories] Mouseover in categories only load after refresh of page
[Bug][Categories] FQDN not used in print view
[Bug][Categories] Show assigned objects in the list view for groups of people
[Bug][Categories] Filter by contract type
[Bug][Categories] Category "SIM card", no leading zeros can be added / deleted on the overview page
[Bug][List editing] Create new category entries for all objects in list editing
[Bug][List editing] Sub-category "Installation" is missing in the list edit
[Bug][List editing] HTTP 500 error / empty page when calling list editing when Nagios Add-On was uninstalled
[Bug][List editing] List Editing: Calendar selection moves outside the visible area
[Bug][List editing] List edit of category "power consumer"
[Bug][List editing] Logical location can not be saved via list edit
[Bug][Lists] Filter for Objects is missing
[Bug][Lists] Archiving a database instance causes some attributes of database scheme not being shown in object list for "database scheme"
[Bug][Lists] The category "Contract assignment" is displayed empty in the default list of object lists
[Bug][Lists] Filtering is not possible with the Virtual Machine attribute of the Virtual Machine category
[Bug][Lists] Object lists: attribute "Description" of the specific category "Organization" is not saved
[Bug][Lists] Special characters in filtering option for dialogue plus fields cause the filter to deliver an empty result
[Bug][Lists] Object titles are not visible anymore after object has been archived/deleted
[Bug][Lists] The version number and variant should not be shown in the object lists configuration
[Bug][Lists] Create Dialog+ values via the filter in the object list
[Bug][Lists] The objects are not shown in the object list
[Bug][Lists] Default filter "virtual machine> virtual machine" is ignored in object list
[Bug][OCS] OCS import: When importing an SNMP device, the operating system is not imported correctly
[Bug][OCS] OCS-IMPORT: Category "Operating system" is overwritten during an import
[Bug][OCS] Import of CPU cores from OCS inventory failed
[Bug][Logbook] Incorrect description / operation in log recovery
[Bug][Logbook] Logbook: Assignment categories don't create an log entry for assigned object
[Bug][CSV Import] Fields are cleared during csv import, even if they do not appear as part of the import
[Bug][CSV Import] Objects are skipped during CSV import
[Bug][CSV Import] CSV-Import: Import via CLI overwrite existing objects
[Bug][CSV Import] Version number (Category: Software assignment) cannot be filled via CSV import
[Bug][CSV Import] Importing content into dialogue fields vis csv import is case sensitive
[Bug][Import] The company of a person is emptied during CSV import.
[Bug][Update] Missing Check of PHP Extensions in the GUI Updater
[Bug][Code (internal)] Output in Infobox can block the user from working with i-doit
[Bug][Code (internal)] Indexing of the category C__CATG__NET_LISTENER
[Bug][Code (internal)] When accessing i-doit, index.php cannot be found
[Bug][Code (internal)] Saving a SIM card without twin-card "card number" leads to SQL error
[Bug][Code (internal)] Many links are directed to old http addresses
[Bug][Code (internal)] tries to set rights to folders which are not available
[Bug][Code (internal)] Unnecessary dialog+ table "isys_catg_cpu_frequency"
[Bug][Custom categories] Poor performance when saving/updating multivalue categories
[Bug][Custom categories] Print view of reports in custom categories incorrect
[Bug][Custom categories] Data cleansing overwrites the HTML toolbar.
[Bug][Custom categories] Reports are displayed for selecting attributes in Custom Categories
[Bug][LDAP] LDAP Sync: Import of organization incorrect
[Bug][LDAP] SSO-authentication when full specification of index.php not possible
[Bug][LDAP] LDAP connection handling
[Bug][LDAP] Subcategory "Master data" Provide the attribute "Salutation" for ldap-sync
[Bug][LDAP] LDAP Sync: Contact Assignment / Assigned objects are not archived when the contact is archived
[Bug][LDAP] Configure LDAP via API
[Bug][Print view] Print-preview on object browsers with multiselect of custom categories broken
[Bug][Print view] Print preview shows HTML code
[Bug][Report-Manager] Report Manager: Output of the grouped MultiValues error during PDF export
[Bug][Report-Manager] Attributes of category "Assigned workstations" can not be used in report Manager
[Bug][Report-Manager] Sub-Kategorie "Anschlüsse" Attribut "Sub-Kategorie" Anschlüsse "Attribut" Ein / Ausgang "für Report-Manager bereitstellen" für Report-Manager bereitstellen
[Bug][Report-Manager] Attribute "standard gateway for net" can not be used in report manager as condition
[Bug][CMDB settings] Limiting the view via rights does not effect location browser
[Bug][Open-Version] Console.php error
[Bug][Installation] Dead Link in setup
[Bug][JDisc] JDisc-Import Fehler: "CMDB Error: Relation type should not be empty."
[Bug][Systemtools] Re-new relation objects cannot be executed
[Bug][H-Inventory] Object matching profile does not get applied for H-Inventory
[Bug][Request Tracker] Request Tracker: Language Constants are not used/translated
[Bug][Request Tracker] Request Tracker: In the "All Objects" tab, all objects are selected.
[Bug][Validation] Wrong validation on inventory number
[Bug][Search] Automatic DeepSearch does not work, when normal search did not find any results
[Bug][Authorization system] Prohibit users from assigning work centers
[Bug][Relations] Correct display of the relations in state archived/deleted
[Bug][Console-base Installation/Update/Licensing] Using the "system-checkforupdates" command outputs constants
[Bug][Cabling view] Enable horizontal scrolling for overview in cabling >> connectors