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Catégories et attributs#

i-doit propose plus de 200 catégories prédéfinies. Le résultat est une large gamme de plus de 1 000 attributs qui peuvent théoriquement être documentés pour chaque objet. Cette abondance conduit inévitablement à la question fréquemment posée "Quel est le but de la catégorie XY avec tous ses attributs ?" Quels concepts représentent chaque catégorie individuelle et chaque attribut individuel ?

Flexibilité versus spécifications

Le tableau suivant est une tentative de vous donner un aperçu général. Il s'agit d'une "tentative" en raison de la masse énorme de catégories et d'attributs prédéfinis. Il n'y a pas de spécifications strictes pour de nombreuses catégories et attributs. Par conséquent, les descriptions suivantes ne sont que des recommandations. Nous apprécierions les ajouts et les corrections et serions heureux de recevoir des informations sur la manière dont vous utilisez les catégories et attributs suivants en pratique. Veuillez simplement envoyer un e-mail à

Global Categories#

Category Attribute Description
Access - Here you can set any links; offers a simple but fast connection between various applications; the protocol used in the URL can be any protocol but has to be known to the web browser
Accounting - Details for accounting, such as inventory no, account etc.
Address - Street address; is often assigned to objects of the type Building
Aircraft - Details about an aircraft
All tickets all-tickets - Service Desk: If the interface to the service desk is activated, you can display all referenced tickets for this object with this category.
Assigned cards - Assignment of a SIM card or a Crypto card to this object
Assigned objects - Allocation of objects to a file; is contained in the category folder Files; backwards category: Files
Assigned SIM cards - Backwards category of the category Cards
Assigned Subscriptions - Backwards category of the category Assigned users
Assigned Users - Assignment of subscriptions to persons; rear category: assigned subscribers
Assigned Workplaces - A Person can be assigned to one or more objects of the type Workplace; backwards category: Logical Location
Assigned workstation - The object with this category is assigned to a workstation. Backwards category: Workplace components
Audit - If a component is checked on a regular basis, you can enter the results in this category.
Backup - Backup: Data of this object are stored by another object. Backwards category: Backup (assigned objects)
Backup (assigned Objects) - Backup: This objects stores data of other objects. Backwards category: Backup
Cable connection - Category folder with the subordinate categories Cable connection and Cable.
Cable connection -> Cable - Information about a Cable, for example, length and color
Cable connection -> Cable connection - Displays the cable connection
Cabling - Category folder with the subordinated categories Connectors and Interface; offers several (graphical) evaluations of these categories
Cabling -> Connectors - Here you can document the cabling between components. A distinction is made between Input and Output which can be connected to each other. This category is filled automatically by other categories, for example, Port or Power consumer.
Cabling -> Interface - Further external interfaces of a hardware which go beyond physical network ports (see category Network → Port) and power supplies (see category Power consumer), for example, peripheral devices via USB, HDMI, display Port, VGA etc.; thus suitable for the documentation of rather "unimportant" components, such as mouse and keyboard
Cards - Details of a SIM card (linked cell phone, pin, serial number); back category: Assigned SIM cards
Certificate - Documentation of x.509 certificates
Cluster - Via this category folder you can document a Cluster. Frequent clusters are virtualization clusters, web clusters or database clusters. Subordinate categories: Cluster, Cluster service assignment, Cluster Members, Cluster vitality, Shared Storage, Shared virtual switches, Administration service
Cluster -> Administration service - Instance which manages the virtual cluster; is contained in the category folder Cluster; backwards category: Virtual managed objects
Cluster -> Cluster Members - Components which form a Cluster; is contained in the Cluster category folder. Backwards category: Cluster memberships
Cluster -> Cluster service assignment - Link of an object of the type Cluster service assignment, i.e. a software which represents or manages the Cluster; is contained in the Cluster category folder
Cluster -> Cluster vitality - Visual presentation and statistics regarding the Object vitality of cluster members; is contained in the Cluster category folder
Cluster -> Shared Storage - Visual presentation and statistics regarding host systems and LUNs; is contained in the category folder Cluster
Cluster -> Shared virtual switches - Information about shared virtual switches (see also category Virtual Host → Virtual Switches); is contained in the category folder Cluster
Cluster memberships - Objects can be assigned to one or more clusters. Backwards category: Cluster members
CMDB explorer CMDB explorer - Opens the object in the CMDB explorer
Computing resources - Details about system requirements of applications (CPU, working memory, disk space, network bandwidth); is evaluated by the category Object vitality
Contact assignment - Assigns Persons, Person groups, Organizations etc. to an object; each allocation can be provided with a Role, for example, Administrator; backwards category: Persons/Person groups/Organization → Assigned objects
Contract assignment - Assignment of a Contract to this object; may contain differing details about start and end date of a contract
CPU - List of CPU sockets and built-in CPUs
CUCM VoIP Phone Line - Information about Cisco Unified Call Manager (CUCM)
CUCM VoIP Phone - Information about Cisco Unified Call Manager (CUCM)
Database assignment - If an installed application (see object types Applications and System service) accesses one or more databases, it can be documented here; supplements the Installation category in the category folders Applications and Services
Database hierarchy - Category folder with subordinate categories Database hierarchy, Databases, Database tables and DBMS information
Data Source - Information about the data import which provided the attributes of this object
Direct Attached Storage - Category folder with the subordinate categories Controller, Device and Raid-Array; evaluation of these categories; supplements the category Drive; for access to shares see category Share access and for LUNs the category Storage Area Network → Logical Devices (Client)
Direct Attached Storage -> Controller - Built-in onboard or PCIe plug-in cards for the connection of storages drives; is contained in the category folder Direct Attached Storage
Direct Attached Storage -> Device - List of drives (hard disks, SSDs etc.); is contained in the category folder Direct Attached Storage; supplements the Controller and Raid-Array categories in this category folder
Direct Attached Storage -> Raid-Array - Documentation of hardware or software RAIDs with the various levels (1, 5, 6, 10 etc.); is contained in the category folder Direct Attached Storage
Documents - Documents add-on: List of created documents
Drive - Documentation of configured mount points or drive letters; supplements category folder Direct Attached Storage; see also categories Share access and Storage Area Network → Logical devices(client)
E-Mail addresses - List of e-mail addresses; often in connection with contacts (see object types Persons, Person groups and Organization); supplements the Master data in the category folders Persons, Person groups and Organization
Emergency plan assignment - Assignment of files which then again are stored as objects of the type Files; you can upload new files per drag and drop; similar to the categories File assignment and Manual assignment; backwards category: Emergency plan → Assigned objects
Fiber/lead - Detailed description of fiber optics or of the cores of copper cables, therefore often assigned to the object type Cable
File assignment - Assignment of files which are again stored as objects of the type Files; you can upload new files via drag and drop; similar to the categories Manual assignment and Emergency plan assignment; backwards category: Files → Assigned objects
Form factor - Information whether a hardware is usable for 19'' and if yes, how many height units it requires. Here you also specify how many height units a server rack has. You can also indicate dimensions and weight.
General ID Each object receives a unique identifier (ID) by the underlying DBMS MySQL/MariaDB.
General Title Every object must be named. Sometimes the name even has to be unique per tenant or per object type. Synonym: Object title
General Status The life cycle of the documentation is mapped via the Status.
General CMDB status The CMDB status indicates the stadium of the life cycle of an object, for example, in operation.
General Purpose If the component serves a special purpose, you can record it here. The Tags attribute is a good alternative.
General Category Don't confuse this attribute with the i-doit categories. It is used only seldom and can be replaced by the Tags attribute.
General SYSID Beside the Object ID, the SYSID is suited for unique referencing. Additionally, the user can edit the SYSID while the Object ID is fixed.
General Tags You can add any number of keywords to each object. This is very useful, for example, to assign specific roles or purposes to an object.
General Description Almost every entry of a category can be provided with a description. You can also add notes. Here a simple evaluation is impeded as unstructured texts are involved.
Graphic card - List of built-in graphic cards
Group memberships - Assignment of the object to a dynamic or static group, see object type Object group; backwards category: Object group
Host address - IPAM: List of configured IP addresses (IPv4/IPv6); additional assignment of Host name, Domain, network connections (see category Network → Port) and subnets (see object type Layer 3 Net); backwards category: IP list
Images - Image gallery
Invoice - List of invoices; supplements category Accounting
JDisc Custom Attributes - Here you can display and edit custom attributes which were imported from JDisc Discovery
JDisc Device Information - A "Read only" category containing "Import date", "Last seen" and "Last discovery" from JDisc
JDisc Discovery - Import for JDisc Discovery for this object
Last login user - The user who was logged in last; can be imported by JDisc Discovery
LDAP Distinguished Name (DN) If a person or a person group is synchronized via LDAP/AD, the related DN is stored here.
locally assigned objects - List of all physically subordinated objects with respect to space; backwards category: Location
Location - Spatial assignment of an object to another object; additionally, you can "build in" objects suitable for 19'' (see category Form factor) into a server rack in the appropriate height unit; geo coordinates are also possible; backwards category: locally assigned objects
Logbook Logbook - Changes of an object
Logical location Parent object Object of the type Person which is allocated to an object of the type Workstation. Backwards category: Assigned workstation
Managed devices - If the object is a remote management controller (see object type of the same name), you can assign objects here which can be managed via this object (see also Lights Out Management, LOM). Backwards category: Remote Management Controller
Manual assignment - Assignment of files which can be stored as objects of the type Files; you can upload new files per drag and drop; similar to the categories File assignment, Emergency plan assignment; Backwards category: Files → Assigned objects
Memory - List of all built-in RAM modules (working memory)
Model - One of the most important categories of a (hardware) object with details about Manufacturer, Model and Serial number
Monitoring - Network Monitoring: category folders with the subordinated categories Livestatus and NDO; configures and activates the query of current information of a host
Monitoring -> Livestatus - Network Monitoring: shows current information about a host and its services which are available via the Livestatus interface; is contained in the category folder Monitoring and is configured there
Monitoring -> NDO - Network Monitoring: displays current information about a host and its services which are available via the NDOUtils (or IDOUtils) interface; is contained in the category folder Monitoring and is configured there
Network - Category folder with the subordinated categories Connection endpoint, logical Ports, Network-Interface, Port, Port overview and VRRP membership
Network -> Connection endpoint - If the corresponding option is activated in the JDisc profile, the connections are not imported into the cabling but into the "Network endpoints" category. This makes it possible to differentiate between manual cabling and automatic cabling by JDisc.
Network -> logical Ports - Grouping of physical network connections (see category Network → port), often called trunking or bonding; is contained in the Network category folder
Network -> Network-Interface - Assignment of physical network connections (see category Network → Port) to internal connections of a device, for example onboard or PCIe plug-in card; is contained in the Network category folder
Network -> Port - List of physical network connections (Ethernet); contains attributes for the MAC address, assigned VLANs (see object type Layer 2 network), assigned IP addresses (see category Host address) and connected devices; is contained in the Network category folder; automatically fills the Cabling → Connectors category
Network -> Port overview - Displays the ports in a list.
Network -> VRRP membership - List of all logical ports (see category Network → logical ports) that are assigned to a VRRP/HSRP/CARP cluster; is contained in the Network category folder; rear category: VRRP → Members
Network listener - Category folder with the subordinated categories Listener and Connection; enables the documentation of network communications between applications; is often assigned to (virtual) hardware, such as servers, VMs or clients with installed applications (see category Software assignment); requires IP addresses (see category Host address)
Network listener -> Network connections - If an installed application (see category Software assignment) accesses another application via an IP-based network connection (see category Host address), you can document it here; is contained in the category folder Network listener; backwards category: Listener
Net zone - Category folder with the subordinated categories Zone and Options; is usually assigned to the object type Net zone
Net zone -> Net zone options - Details about a net zone; is contained in the category folder Net zone
Net zone -> Net zone scopes - Use of a net zone; is contained in the category folder Net zone; Backwards category: Net → Net zone
Object picture - Changes the default image of an object which is depicted on each page; as only 150 x 150 pixels are allowed, the Images category is more suitable in most cases
Object vitality - Indicates the target system utilization; for this purpose the categories CPU, Memory, Network → Port, Direct Attached Storage and Software assignment are assessed and compared to the category Computing resources, which is assigned to the allocated applications; has only little informative value as it is just a simple addition of values
Operating system - Here you can record the primal operating system; this information complements the category Software assignment
Passwords - List of passwords
Port Overview (Stacking) - Shows the ports of all stack members bundled together. Click on a port to open it
Power consumer - List of built-in power adapters; thus you can document a redundant power supply, automatically fills the category Cabling → Connectors; enables the specification of a BTU (suitable for the calculation of cooling/ air-conditioning)
Power supplier - Information about a power supplier
QinQ CE-VLAN - Documentation of QinQ VLANs (see object type Layer-2 net)
QinQ SP-VLAN - Documentation of QinQ VLANs (see object type Layer-2 net)
Racks - Visual representation of spatially assigned cabinets, therefore often assigned to the Room object type
Relationship Relationship - List of all object relations
Remote management controller Assigned object If the object has a Lights Out Management (LOM), you can link it here. Often the object type Remote Management Controller of the same name serves this purpose. Backwards category: Managed devices
Remote management controller Primary access URL If the assigned object has a link (see category Access), it is shown here. In case of several links the link which is marked as primary link is displayed.
Service assignment - Serves the object as a component of a service, you can add it here. An object can be assigned to several services. Backwards category: Service components
Service - Category folder with the subordinated categories Service relation, Service components, Service Logbook and Service Type; contains information about the service; is often assigned to the object type Service of the same name
Service -> Service components - List of objects which are subordinated under the service; is contained in the category folder Service; backwards category: Service assignment
Service -> Service Logbook - List of logbook entries from all objects which are added as components to the service (see category Service components); is contained in the category folder Service
Service -> Service Relation - If components of a service are interdependent, you can document the dependence here. Only objects which are in the category Service components are listed here; is contained in the category folder Service
Service -> Service Type type Typing of services; is contained in the category folder Service
Share access - This object accesses an existing share (Samba, CIFS, NFS etc.) of another object. Backwards category: Shares
Shares - This object provides one or more shares (Samba, CIFS, NFS etc.). Backwards category: Share access
SIM card - Details about a SIM card (PIN, PUK, phone number etc.); backwards category: Assigned cards
SIM - Details of a SIM (network provider, rate, telephone number, etc.)
SLA - Information about a Service Level Agreement (SLA); often assigned to the object types Service and Contract
Smart Card Certificate - Details about a smartcard
SNMP - Live query of information via the SNMP protocol; retrieved date are not saved
SOA stacks Details about a Middleware
Software assignment - List of installed applications (see object types Applications, Operating system, DBMS); supplements the category Operating system; backwards categories: Applications/DBMS/Services → Installation
Sound card - List of built-in sound cards
Stack member - List of objects which are allocated to a hardware stack; often assigned to the object type Stacking; backwards category: Stack membership
Stack membership - Allocation of an object to a hardware stack; backwards category Stack member
Storage Area Network - Category folder with subordinated categories FC port, Host bus adapter (HBA), Logical devices (Client) and Logical devices (LDEV Server); for the documentation of Storage Area Networks (SANs) and LUNs
Storage Area Network -> FC port - List of fiber channel ports; serves the documentation of storage area networks (SANs) and is often assigned to the object types Storage system and FC switch; is contained in the category folder Storage Area Network; automatically fills in the Cabling → Connectors category
Storage Area Network -> Host Bus Adapter (HBA) - List of HBAs which provide fiber channel ports (see Storage Area Network → FC port); serves the documentation of storage area networks (SANs); is contained in the category folder Storage Area Network
Storage Area Network -> Logical devices (Client) - If an object accesses LUNs of a SAN, this is documented here; is contained in the category folder Storage Area Network; backwards category: Logical devices (LDEV Server)
Storage Area Network -> Logical devices (LDEV Server) - If an object, for example, a SAN, offers LUNs to other objects, this is documented here; is contained in the category folder Storage Area Network; backwards category: Logical devices (Client)
Subscriptions - Information on existing subscriptions, which is assigned to persons via the category Assigned Users; can be imported via JDisc
Supernet - List of supernetworks and subnetworks
Support Entitlements - JDisc retrieves the status of support claims directly from some vendors and imports them into its database. This information can be imported from JDisc to i-doit.
Telephone/fax - Information such as telephone number or fax number
TSI service Details about Cisco telephone systems
Vehicle - Details about a vehicle, for example, license plate; suitable for the documentation of a vehicle fleet or for company cars; see object type of the same name: Vehicle
Version - List of versions of a software; is often assigned to the object types Applications, Operating system, DBMS and Services; supplements the categories Applications/DBMS/Services → Installation and Variants
Virtual host - Category folder with the subordinated categories Guest systems, Virtual host and Virtual Switches; is typically allocated to a host system for virtual machines (see object type Virtual host) or to a Cluster; backwards category: Virtual machine
Virtual host -> Guest systems - Virtual machines assigned to a host system; is contained in the category folder Virtual Host
Virtual host -> Virtual host - Details about host system or cluster of a virtual environment; is contained in the category folder Virtual host of the same name
Virtual host -> Virtual Switches - Virtual network switches in a virtual environment; is contained in the category folder Virtual host
Virtual machine - Category folder with the subordinated categories Virtual devices and Virtual machine; for the documentation of virtual environments; backwards category: Virtual host
Virtual machine -> Virtual devices - Assignment of virtual devices to hardware resources of the host system from the fields Network, Storage and Interfaces; is contained in the category folder Virtual host
Virtual machine -> Virtual machine - Information whether the object is a virtual machine; is contained in the category folder Virtual machine of the same name
Virtual managed objects - List of objects which are managed by this instance; backwards category: Cluster → Administration service
VRRP - Category folder with the subordinated category Members; contains information about the VRRP/HSRP/CARP protocols
VRRP -> VRRP Member - List of all logical ports (see category Network → Logical ports) assigned to a VRRP/HSRP/CARP cluster; is contained in the category folder Network; backwards category: VRRP → Member
WAN Connection - Attributes such as the bandwidth of upload and download of an internet connection; often assigned to the object type WAN Connection
Workplace components - Objects which are assigned to an object of the type Workstation. Backwards category: Assigned workstation

Specific Categories#

Category Attributes Description
Air conditioning - Details of Air conditioning
Applications - 1. Category folder with subordinated categories Installation and Variants; contains information about the application, such as the Manufacturer
2. Details about the application, such as the Manufacturer; is contained in the category folder DBMS
Assigned logical ports - List of assigned objects with their logical ports; is contained in the category folder Layer 2 Net; backwards category: Network → Logical ports
Assigned objects - 1. List of objects which are allocated to a Contract; is contained in the category folder Contract; backwards category: Contract assignment

2. List of objects which are allocated to a Wiring system; is contained in the category folder Wiring system; backwards category: Cabling → Connectors (Wiring System attribute)
Assigned objects - 1. Assignment of objects to a contact; is contained in the category folders Persons, Person groups and Organization; backwards category: Contact assignment
2. Assignment of objects to an Emergency plan; is contained in the category folder Emergency plan; backwards category: Emergency plan assignment
Chassis - Category folder with subordinated categories Chassis view, Slots, Cabling and Assigned devices; often assigned to the object types Blade Chassis and Switch Chassis
Chassis -> Assigned devices - List of hardware objects (Blade Server, switch modules) in a chassis; is contained in the category folder Chassis; supplements the category locally assigned objects
Chassis -> Chassis Cabling - Interconnection within a chassis; is contained in the category folder Chassis
Chassis -> Chassis view - Visual presentation of a blade or switch chassis; is contained in the category folder Chassis
Chassis -> Slots - List of available slots in a blade or switch chassis; is contained in the category folder Chassis
Contract - Category folder with subordinated categories Contract information and Contract Objects; often assigned to the object type Contract of the same name
Current file - Current revision of a file for download; is contained in the category folder Files; is based on the category File versions
Crypto card - Information about a Crypto card
DBMS - Category folder with subordinated categories Applications, Cluster installation, Installation, Variants and Assigned clusters
DBMS -> Assigned clusters - List of objects of the type Cluster with additional details about how the cluster is defined; is contained in the category folder DBMS; backwards category: Cluster memberships
DBMS -> Cluster installation - List of allocated clusters; is contained in the category folder DBMS; is based on data of the category DBMS → Assigned clusters
Database schema - Category folder with subordinated categories Database Gateway, Database links, Database objects and Database access; often assigned to the object type of the same name Database schema
Database schema -> Database access - List of installed applications which access this database; is contained in the category folder Database schema; backwards category: Software assignment
Database schema -> Database gateway - List of possibilities to access this database; is contained in the category folder Database schema
Database schema -> Database links - Link between databases; is contained in category folder Database schema
Database schema -> Database objects - Details about the structure of the database, for example, lists of tables; is contained in the category folder Database schema
Desktop - Information about a computer, for example Client type (laptop, desktop etc.) or Keyboard Layout; often assigned to the object type Client
Emergency plan - Category folder with subordinated categories Emergency plan properties and Assigned objects; often assigned to the object type of the same name Emergency plan
Emergency plan -> Emergency plan properties - Details of an emergency plan: Time need and Date of emergency practice; is contained in the category folder Emergency plan
Emergency plan -> Emergency power supply - Details about a power generator, for example a diesel generator set; often assigned to the object type of the same name Emergency power supply
FC switch - Information about a fiber channel switch: Title and Active; often assigned to the object type of the same name FC switch
Files - Category folder with subordinated categories Current file, File versions and Assigned objects
Files -> File versions - List of all available revisions of a file; with this category you can upload files; is contained in the category folder Files; supplies the Current file category with information
Installation - Documents the installation of an application on a hardware; is contained in the category folders Applications, DBMS and Services; backwards category: Software assignment
Instance / Oracle database - Information about an active database instance; often assigned to the object type Database instance
Layer 2 Net - Category folder with subordinated categories Assigned logical ports and Assigned ports; contains information about a VLAN; often assigned to the object type of the same name Layer 2 Net
Layer 2 Net -> Assigned ports - List of assigned objects with their ports; is contained in the category folder Layer 2 Net; backwards category: Network → Port
Licenses - Category folder with subordinated categories License assignment overview and License keys; often assigned to the object type Licenses
Licenses -> License keys - List of license keys and applications which require a license for installation (see category Software assignment); is contained in the category folder Licenses
Middleware - Information about a Middleware
Mobile radio IMEI number Unique number of a mobile phone/ smart phone; often assigned to the object type Cellphone
Monitor - Information about a monitor, for example, Resolution; thus often assigned to the object type Monitor
Net - Category folder with subordinated categories DHCP, IP list and Net zone; contains information about a subnet, thus often assigned to the object type Layer 3 Net
Net -> DHCP - List of DHCP ranges of a subnet; is contained in the category folder Net
Net -> IP list - Visual presentation of a subnet with additional functions and statistics; is contained in the category folder Net; backwards category: Host address
Net -> Net zone - Details about segmentation of subnets; is contained in the category folder Net; backwards category: Net zone → Net zone scopes
Object group - List of assigned objects (see object type Object group); category folder with the subordinated category Type; backwards category: Group memberships
Object group -> Type - Definition if an Object group is structured dynamically (per Report) or statically; is contained in the category folder Object group
Overview - 1. Summary of details regarding a license; is contained in the category folder License assignment
2. Visual presentation and statistics regarding PDU branches; is contained in the category folder PDU
Operating Systems - Category order with subordinate categories Operating Systems, Installation and Variants; contains information on the operating system
Organization - Category folder with subordinated categories Persons, Master data and Assigned objects; often assigned to the object type of the same name Organization
PDU - Category folder with subordinated categories View and Branch; contains information about a power distribution unit; often assigned to the object type Power distribution unit
PDU -> Branch - List of branches; is contained in the category folder PDU
Parallel relations - Information about a parallel object relation
Person groups - Category folder with the subordinated categories Member, Nagios, Rights, Master data and Assigned objects*
Person groups -> Members - List of persons which are allocated to the person group; is contained in the category folder Person group; backwards category: Persons → Person group memberships
Persons - 1. Category folder with subordinated categories Login, Nagios, Person group memberships, Rights, Master data and Assigned objects
2. List of assigned objects of the type Persons; is contained in the category folder Organization; backwards category: Persons → Master data (attribute Organization)
Persons -> Login - Credentials for local i-doit user consisting of User name and Password
Persons -> Master data - 1. Data of a person; is contained in the category folder Persons
2. Data of a person group; is contained in the category folder Person groups
3. Data of an organization; is contained in the category folder Organization
Persons -> Person group memberships - List of Person groups superior to the person; is contained in the category folders Persons; backwards category: Members
Printer - Details of a printer
Rack - Visual presentation of a rack, thus often assigned to the object type Rack; contains additional attributes for vertical slots and statistics which can be generated from the locally assigned objects and the Form factor category
Relation details - Details about an object relation
Replication - Category folder with the subordinated category Replication partner; contains information about the Replication mechanism; often assigned to the object type Replication object
Replication -> Replication partner - List of objects which are replicated; is contained in the category folder Replication
Room - Data, such as Type, Room number and Floor; often assigned to the object type of the same name Room
Routing - Data of configured routes: Routing protocol and Gateway address (see category Host address); often assigned to the object type r
SAN Zoning - Storage Area Networks (SAN): Details for SAN Zoning
Switch - Details about a Switch; based on information from the categories Host address and Network → Port
System Services - Category folder with subordinated categories Installation, System Services and Variants; contains information about the application, such as the Manufacturer
Uninterruptible power supply - Details of an uninterruptible power supply (USP), thus often assigned to the object type Uninterruptible power supply of the same name
Variants - List of variants of an application, for example, "Standard", "Enterprise", "Pro", "Open"; is contained in the category folders Applications, DBMS and Services; supplements the category Installation in these category folders
WAN Connection - Information about an internet connection (WAN, MAN, GAN etc.), thus often assigned to the object type WAN Connection of the same name
WAN - Information on an Internet connection (WAN, MAN, GAN or similar), therefore often assigned to the WAN Connection object type
WiFi device - Information about a WLAN access point, thus often assigned to the object type Wireless Access Point
Logbook Logbook - Changes of an object
Wiring System -> Net type Net type Information about a Wiring System, for example, "Electricity", "Water", "Gas"; is contained in the category folder Wiring System