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Champs de catégorie pour les tableaux de données#

Cet article répertorie toutes les catégories et leurs attributs disponibles dans i-doit. Cette liste peut être très utile lorsque vous utilisez l'interface de programmation d'application (API) de i-doit.

Créez ces contenus automatiquement

Via le paramètre d'URL load=api_properties, les tables de catégories pour la version actuellement installée de i-doit sont créées. Un utilisateur doit être connecté. Exemple :

Global Categories (catg)#

General (C__CATG__GLOBAL)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
ID id int Yes
Title title text Yes
Status status int Yes
Creation date created text Yes
Created by created_by text Yes
Last change changed text Yes
Last change by changed_by text Yes
Purpose purpose int isys_purpose__id Yes
Category category int isys_catg_global_category__id Yes
SYSID sysid text Yes
CMDB status cmdb_status int isys_cmdb_status__id Yes
Object type type int isys_obj_type__id Yes
Tags tag int isys_obj__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Model (C__CATG__MODEL)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_model_manufacturer__id Yes
Model title int isys_model_title__id Yes
Product ID productid text Yes
Service Tag service_tag text Yes
Serial number serial text Yes
Firmware firmware text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Form factor (C__CATG__FORMFACTOR)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Form factor formfactor int isys_catg_formfactor_type__id Yes
Rack units rackunits int Yes
Dimension unit unit int isys_depth_unit__id Yes
Width width float Yes
Height height float Yes
Depth depth float Yes
Weight weight float Yes
Weight unit weight_unit int isys_weight_unit__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_catg_cpu_manufacturer__id Yes
Type type int isys_catg_cpu_type__id Yes
CPU frequency frequency float Yes
CPU frequency unit frequency_unit int isys_frequency_unit__id Yes
CPU cores cores int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Memory (C__CATG__MEMORY)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Quantity quantity int Yes
Title title int isys_memory_title__id Yes
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_memory_manufacturer__id Yes
Type type int isys_memory_type__id Yes
Total capacity total_capacity float Yes
Capacity capacity float Yes
Memory unit unit int isys_memory_unit__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Network (C__CATG__NETWORK)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_iface_manufacturer__id Yes
Model model int isys_iface_model__id Yes
Serial number serial text Yes
Slotnumber slot text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Power consumer (C__CATG__POWER_CONSUMER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Active active int Yes
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_pc_manufacturer__id Yes
Model model int isys_pc_model__id Yes
Volt volt text Yes
Watt watt text Yes
Ampere ampere text Yes
BTU btu text Yes
Target object assigned_connector int Yes
Assigned to connector connector int Yes
Assigned Input/Output connector_sibling int Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Connection type type int isys_ui_con_type__id Yes
Plug type plug int isys_ui_plugtype__id Yes
Connected to assigned_connector int Yes
Assigned to connector connector int Yes
Assigned Input/Output connector_sibling int Yes
Description description text_area Yes
Relation direction relation_direction int Yes

Software assignment (C__CATG__APPLICATION)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Application application int isys_connection__id Yes
Type application_type int isys_catg_application_type__id Yes
Priority application_priority int isys_catg_application_priority__id Yes
Assigned license assigned_license int isys_cats_lic_list__id Yes
Assigned license key assigned_license_key int isys_cats_lic_list__id Yes
Datebase schema assigned_database_schema int isys_cats_database_access_list__id Yes
Service assigned_it_service int isys_catg_its_components_list__id Yes
Variant assigned_variant int isys_cats_app_variant_list__id Yes
Version number assigned_version int isys_catg_version_list__id Yes
Inherit nagios services bequest_nagios_services int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Access (C__CATG__ACCESS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Primary access URL primary_url text Yes
Title title text Yes
Access type type int isys_access_type__id Yes
Host[:Port]/URL url text Yes
Host[:Port]/URL formatted_url text Yes
Primary? primary int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Backup (C__CATG__BACKUP)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Backed up by backup int isys_connection__id Yes
Backup type backup_type int isys_backup_type__id Yes
Cycle cycle int isys_backup_cycle__id Yes
Path to save path_to_save text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Emergency plan assignment (C__CATG__EMERGENCY_PLAN)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Assigned emergency plan emergency_plan int isys_connection__id Yes
Time need time_needed text Yes
Time need (Unit) time_needed_unit text Yes
Date of emergency practice practice_date text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Files (C__CATG__FILE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
File file int isys_connection__id Yes
Revision revision int Yes
HTTP-Link (extern) link text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Contact assignment (C__CATG__CONTACT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Contact contact int Yes
Primary contact primary_contact int isys_connection__id Yes
Contact contact_object int isys_connection__id Yes
Primary primary int Yes
Role role int isys_contact_tag__id Yes
Contact contact_list text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Logbook (C__CATG__LOGBOOK)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Date date date_time Yes
Object object int Yes
Event event int isys_logbook_event__id Yes
Source source int isys_logbook_source__id Yes
User user int Yes
Object type object_type text Yes
Category category text Yes
Alarm level alert_level text isys_logbook_level__id Yes
User user_name_static text Yes
Event event_static text Yes
Comment comment text Yes
Changes changes text Yes
Description description text_area Yes
Access type reason int isys_logbook_reason__id Yes

Controller (C__CATG__CONTROLLER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Type type int isys_controller_type__id Yes
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_controller_manufacturer__id Yes
Model model int isys_controller_model__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Location (C__CATG__LOCATION)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Location path location_path text Yes
Location parent int Yes
Assembly option int Yes
Insertion insertion int Yes
Position in the rack pos int Yes
GPS gps text Yes
Latitude latitude text Yes
Longitude longitude text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Object picture (C__CATG__IMAGE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Uploaded images image_selection int Yes
File image text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Manual assignment (C__CATG__MANUAL)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Manual file manual int isys_connection__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Sound card (C__CATG__SOUND)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_sound_manufacturer__id Yes
Title title text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

locally assigned objects (C__CATG__OBJECT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Object assigned_object int Yes

Graphic card (C__CATG__GRAPHIC)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_graphic_manufacturer__id Yes
Memory memory float Yes
Memory unit unit int isys_memory_unit__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Virtual machine (C__CATG__VIRTUAL_MACHINE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Virtual machine virtual_machine int Yes
Running on host hosts int isys_connection__id Yes
Virtualization system system int isys_vm_type__id Yes
Configuration file config_file text Yes
Host in cluster primary int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Accounting (C__CATG__ACCOUNTING)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Inventory number inventory_no text Yes
Account account int isys_account__id Yes
Date of invoice acquirementdate date Yes
Purchased at contact int isys_contact__id Yes
Investment costs price double Yes
Operation expense operation_expense double Yes
Operation expense (Unit) operation_expense_interval int isys_interval__id Yes
Cost unit cost_unit int isys_catg_accounting_cost_unit__id Yes
Delivery note number delivery_note_no text Yes
Procurement procurement int isys_catg_accounting_procurement__id Yes
Delivery date delivery_date date Yes
Invoice number invoice_no text Yes
Order number order_no text Yes
Period of warranty guarantee_period int Yes
Warranty period guarantee_period_unit int isys_guarantee_period_unit__id Yes
Remainder warranty guarantee_period_status text Yes
Guarantee period by guarantee_period_base int Yes
Order date order_date date Yes
Guarantee date guarantee_date date Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Connected interface interface int isys_catg_netp_list__id Yes
Type port_type int isys_port_type__id Yes
Mode port_mode int isys_port_mode__id Yes
Plug plug_type int isys_plug_type__id Yes
Negotiation negotiation int isys_port_negotiation__id Yes
Duplex duplex int isys_port_duplex__id Yes
Speed speed float Yes
Unit speed_type int isys_port_speed__id Yes
Standard standard int isys_port_standard__id Yes
MAC-address mac text Yes
MTU mtu text Yes
Connected with assigned_connector int Yes
Assigned to connector connector int Yes
Assigned Input/Output connector_sibling int Yes
Cable ID cable int Yes
Active active int Yes
Host address addresses int isys_catg_ip_list_2_isys_catg_port_list__isys_catg_port_list__id Yes
Layer 2 Net layer2_assignment int Yes
Connected interface (HBA) hba int isys_catg_hba_list__id Yes
Standard VLAN default_vlan int isys_catg_port_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes
Relation direction relation_direction int Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_iface_manufacturer__id Yes
Model model int isys_iface_model__id Yes
Serial number serial text Yes
Slot number slot text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Net(s) net int Yes
MAC mac text Yes
Type port_type int isys_netx_ifacel_type__id Yes
Allocation ports int Yes
Parent port parent int isys_catg_log_port_list__id Yes
Standard standard int isys_netp_ifacel_standard__id Yes
Active active int Yes
Host address addresses int Yes
Assigned to connector assigned_connector int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Drive (C__CATG__DRIVE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Drive letter mount_point text Yes
Title title text Yes
System drive system_drive int Yes
File system filesystem int isys_filesystem_type__id Yes
Capacity capacity float Yes
Memory unit unit int isys_memory_unit__id Yes
Serial number serial text Yes
Software RAID group assigned_raid int isys_catg_raid_list__id Yes
Type drive_type int isys_catd_drive_type__id Yes
On device device int isys_catg_stor_list__id Yes
On device Raid-Array raid int isys_catg_raid_list__id Yes
On device Logical devices (Client) ldev int isys_catg_ldevclient_list__id Yes
Object type constant category_const text Yes
Free Diskspace free_space float Yes
Memory unit free_space_unit int isys_memory_unit__id Yes
Used Diskspace used_space float Yes
Memory unit used_space_unit int isys_memory_unit__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type type int isys_stor_type__id Yes
Title title text Yes
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_stor_manufacturer__id Yes
Model model int isys_stor_model__id Yes
Memory unit unit int isys_memory_unit__id Yes
Capacity capacity double Yes
Hotspare hotspare int Yes
Connection connected int isys_stor_con_type__id Yes
Controller controller int isys_catg_controller_list__id Yes
Hardware RAID group raid_group int isys_catg_raid_list__id Yes
Serial number serial text Yes
Description description text_area Yes
LTO Type lto_type int isys_stor_lto_type__id Yes
FC Address fc_address text Yes
Firmware firmware text Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Type type int isys_fc_port_type__id Yes
Connected controller connected_controller int isys_catg_hba_list__id Yes
Assigned Input/Output connector_sibling int Yes
Medium medium int isys_fc_port_medium__id Yes
Speed speed int Yes
Speed unit speed_unit int isys_port_speed__id Yes
Node WWN wwn text Yes
Port WW(P)N wwpn text Yes
SAN zone and connection type san_zones int Yes
Target object target int Yes
Connection connector int Yes
Connection assigned_connector int Yes
Description description text_area Yes
Relation direction relation_direction int Yes

Host address (C__CATG__IP)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Use primary hostaddress primary_hostaddress text isys_cats_net_ip_addresses_list__id Yes
Primary hostname primary_hostname text Yes
Type net_type int isys_net_type__id Yes
Primary primary int Yes
Active active int Yes
Net net int Yes
Net zone zone int Yes
Address allocation IPv4 ipv4_assignment int isys_ip_assignment__id Yes
IPv4 address ipv4_address text isys_cats_net_ip_addresses_list__id Yes
Address allocation IPv6 ipv6_assignment int isys_ipv6_assignment__id Yes
IPv6 scope ipv6_scope int isys_ipv6_scope__id Yes
IPv6 address ipv6_address text isys_cats_net_ip_addresses_list__id Yes
Host address hostaddress text isys_cats_net_ip_addresses_list__id Yes
Hostname hostname text Yes
Domain domain text Yes
DNS Server dns_server int isys_catg_ip_list__id Yes
DNS Server address dns_server_address text isys_catg_ip_list__id Yes
Search domain search_domain int isys_catg_ip_list__id Yes
Default gateway for the net use_standard_gateway int Yes
Assigned port assigned_port int isys_catg_port_list__id Yes
Assigned port assigned_logical_port int isys_catg_log_port_list__id Yes
Host addresses all_ips text Yes
Hostname (FQDN) primary_fqdn text Yes
Aliases aliases text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Version (C__CATG__VERSION)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Version number title text Yes
Service pack servicepack text Yes
Kernel kernel text Yes
Patchlevel patchlevel text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Connectors (C__CATG__CONNECTOR)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
In-/Output type int Yes
Wiring system wiring_system int isys_connection__id Yes
Interface interface int isys_interface__id Yes
Color / wave lengths fiber_wave_lengths int isys_catg_connector_list__id Yes
Connection type connection_type int isys_connection_type__id Yes
Assigned to connector assigned_connector int Yes
Assigned category type assigned_category text Yes
Cable cable_connection int Yes
Used fiber/lead (RX) used_fiber_lead_rx int Yes
Used fiber/lead (TX) used_fiber_lead_tx int Yes
Assigned Input/Output connector_sibling int Yes
Description description text_area Yes
Relation direction relation_direction int Yes

Invoice (C__CATG__INVOICE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title denotation text Yes
Invoice Date date date Yes
Amount amount double Yes
Edited at edited date Yes
Dispensing Tax Accounting financial_accounting_delivery date Yes
Charged charged int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Power supplier (C__CATG__POWER_SUPPLIER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Volt volt text Yes
Watt watt text Yes
Ampere ampere text Yes
Target object assigned_connector int Yes
Assigned to connector connector int Yes
Assigned Input/Output connector_sibling int Yes
Assigned category type assigned_category text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type raid_type int isys_raid_type__id Yes
Title title text Yes
RAID Level raid_level int isys_stor_raid_level__id Yes
Controller controller int isys_catg_controller_list__id Yes
Connected devices storages int Yes
Total capacity full_capacity text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Logical devices (LDEV Server) (C__CATG__LDEV_SERVER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
LUN lun text Yes
Segment size (kB) segment_size float Yes
Memory-unit unit int isys_memory_unit__id Yes
Capacity capacity double Yes
Attached devices connected_devices int isys_catg_ldevclient_list__isys_catg_sanpool_list__id Yes
Paths paths text Yes
Multipath technology multipath int isys_ldev_multipath__id Yes
Tier class tierclass int isys_tierclass__id Yes
Logical devices (Client) ldev_clients int isys_catg_ldevclient_list__isys_catg_sanpool_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Logical devices (Client) (C__CATG__LDEV_CLIENT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Path paths int Yes
Logical devices (LDEV Server) assigned_ldevserver int isys_catg_sanpool_list__id Yes
Primary path primary_path int Yes
Multipath technology multipath int isys_ldev_multipath__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Host Bus Adapter (HBA) (C__CATG__HBA)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Type type int isys_hba_type__id Yes
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_controller_manufacturer__id Yes
Model model int isys_controller_model__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Quorum quorum int Yes
Administration service administration_service text Yes
Cluster Members cluster_members text Yes
Cluster service assignment cluster_service text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Cluster (C__CATG__CLUSTER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Quorum quorum int Yes
Administration service administration_service text Yes
Cluster Members cluster_members text Yes
Cluster service assignment cluster_service text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Shares (C__CATG__SHARES)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Share name title text Yes
UNC-path unc_path text Yes
Volume volume int isys_catg_drive_list__id Yes
Local path path text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Cluster service assignment (C__CATG__CLUSTER_SERVICE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type type int isys_cluster_type__id Yes
Cluster services cluster_service int isys_connection__id Yes
Host addresses hostaddresses int isys_catg_cluster_service_list__id Yes
Volumes drives int isys_catg_cluster_service_list__id Yes
Shares shares int Yes
Runs on runs_on int Yes
Default server default_server int Yes
Database schema assigned_database_schema int isys_cats_database_access_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Cluster Members(C__CATG__CLUSTER_MEMBERS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Cluster Member member int isys_connection__id Yes

Cluster memberships (C__CATG__CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIPS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Cluster connected_object int isys_connection__isys_obj__id Yes

Computing resources (C__CATG__COMPUTING_RESOURCES)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
RAM ram float Yes
Memory-unit ram_unit int isys_memory_unit__id Yes
CPU frequency cpu float Yes
CPU frequency unit cpu_unit int isys_frequency_unit__id Yes
Disc space disc_space float Yes
Disc space unit disc_space_unit int isys_memory_unit__id Yes
Network bandwidth network_bandwidth float Yes
Network bandwidth unit network_bandwidth_unit int isys_port_speed__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
SNMP Community title int isys_snmp_community__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Virtual host (C__CATG__VIRTUAL_HOST_ROOT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Virtual host virtual_host int Yes
License Server license_server int isys_connection__id Yes
Administration service administration_service int isys_connection__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Virtual host (C__CATG__VIRTUAL_HOST)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Virtual host virtual_host int Yes
License Server license_server int isys_connection__id Yes
Administration service administration_service int isys_connection__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Guest systems (C__CATG__GUEST_SYSTEMS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Guest systems connected_object int Yes
Hostname hostname text Yes
Runs on runs_on text Yes

Virtual machine (C__CATG__VIRTUAL_MACHINE__ROOT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Virtuelle Maschine virtual_machine int Yes
Läuft auf Host hosts int isys_connection__id Yes
Virtualisierungs-System system int isys_vm_type__id Yes
Konfigurations Datei config_file text Yes
Host im Cluster primary int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Virtual Switches (C__CATG__VIRTUAL_SWITCH)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Ports ports int isys_virtual_switch_2_port__isys_catg_virtual_switch_list__id Yes
Port groups portgroup int isys_virtual_port_group__isys_catg_virtual_switch_list__id Yes
Service Console Ports serviceconsoleports int isys_service_console_port__isys_catg_virtual_switch_list__id Yes
VMKernel Ports vmkernelports int isys_vmkernel_port__isys_catg_virtual_switch_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Virtual devices (C__CATG__VIRTUAL_DEVICE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Device type host_stor_device int isys_catg_stor_list__id Yes
Host LDEV client host_ldev_client int isys_catg_ldevclient_list__id Yes
Assigned storage device (host) host_drive int isys_catg_drive_list__id Yes
Corresponding host port host_port int isys_catg_port_list__id Yes
Host interface host_interface int isys_catg_ui_list__id Yes
Local storage device local_stor_device int isys_catg_stor_list__id Yes
Local port local_port int isys_catg_port_list__id Yes
Host resource local_interface int isys_catg_ui_list__id Yes
Storage type storage_type int isys_virtual_storage_type__id Yes
Network type network_type int isys_virtual_network_type__id Yes
Switch Port Group switch_port_group int Yes
Cluster storage cluster_storage text Yes
Cluster interface cluster_interface text Yes
Local storage device disk_image_location text Yes
Device type device_type text Yes
Description description text_area Yes
Type virtual_network_type text Yes

Backup (assigned Objects) (C__CATG__BACKUP__ASSIGNED_OBJECTS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Backups backup int Yes
Backup type backup_type int isys_backup_type__id Yes
Cycle cycle int isys_backup_cycle__id Yes
Path to save path_to_save text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Group memberships (C__CATG__GROUP_MEMBERSHIPS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Group connected_object int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Service components (C__CATG__IT_SERVICE_COMPONENTS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned object connected_object int isys_connection__id Yes
Object type objtype int Yes

Service Logbook (C__CATG__ITS_LOGBOOK)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Date date date_time Yes
Object object int Yes
Event event int isys_logbook_event__id Yes
Source source int Yes
User user int Yes
Object type object_type text Yes
Category category text Yes
Alarm level alert_level text isys_logbook_level__id Yes
User user_name_static text Yes
Event event_static text Yes
Comment comment text Yes
Changes changes text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Service assignment (C__CATG__IT_SERVICE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Service connected_object int Yes
SYSID sysid text Yes

Relationship (C__CATG__RELATION)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Object 1 object1 int isys_obj__id No
Object 2 object2 int isys_obj__id No
Relation type relation_type int isys_relation_type__id No
Weighting weighting int isys_weighting__id No
Service itservice int isys_obj__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Object 1 object1 int isys_obj__id No
Object 2 object2 int isys_obj__id No
Relation type relation_type int isys_relation_type__id No
Weighting weighting int isys_weighting__id No
Service itservice int isys_obj__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Database assignment (C__CATG__DATABASE_ASSIGNMENT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Target schema database_assignment int No
Software runs on runs_on int No
Description description text_area Yes

Service Type (C__CATG__ITS_TYPE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type its_type int isys_its_type__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Passwords (C__CATG__PASSWD)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Username username text Yes
Password password text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
SOA-Stacks soa_stack_object int Yes
SOA-Component soa_stack_components int Yes
Service soa_stack_it_services int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Status-Planning (C__CATG__PLANNING)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
CMDB status cmdb_status int isys_cmdb_status__id Yes
Validity period from start date Yes
Validity period to end date Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Assigned cards (C__CATG__ASSIGNED_CARDS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned cards connected_obj int Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type type int isys_cp_contract_type__id Yes
Assigned mobile phone assigned_mobile int Yes
Network provider network_provider int isys_network_provider__id Yes
Telephone rate telephone_rate int isys_telephone_rate__id Yes
Start Date start date Yes
End Date end date Yes
Date for Notification threshold_date date Yes
Card Number card_no text Yes
Phone Number phone_no text Yes
Client Number client_no text Yes
Pin pin text Yes
Pin 2 pin2 text Yes
PUK puk text Yes
PUK2 puk2 text Yes
Serial number serial text Yes
Twin Card twincard int Yes
Card Number (Twin Card) tc_card_no text Yes
Phone Number (Twin Card) tc_phone_no text Yes
Pin (Twin Card) tc_pin text Yes
Pin 2 (Twin Card) tc_pin2 text Yes
PUK (Twin Card) tc_puk text Yes
PUK2 (Twin Card) tc_puk2 text Yes
Serial number (Twin Card) tc_serial_no text Yes
Description (Twin Card) (Twin Card) optional_info text_area Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
TSI service ID tsi_service_id text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Audit (C__CATG__AUDIT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Type type int isys_catg_audit_type__id Yes
Commission commission int isys_contact__id Yes
Responsible responsible int isys_contact__id Yes
Involved involved int isys_contact__id Yes
Manufacturer's period period_manufacturer date Yes
Operator's period period_operator date Yes
Applied apply date Yes
Result result text_area Yes
Faults fault text_area Yes
Incidents incident text_area Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Logical location (C__CATG__LOGICAL_UNIT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Parent object parent int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Workplace components (C__CATG__ASSIGNED_LOGICAL_UNIT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Object assigned_object int isys_obj__id Yes

Assigned workstation (C__CATG__ASSIGNED_WORKSTATION)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Parent object parent int Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned Workplaces assigned_workstations int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Contract assignment (C__CATG__CONTRACT_ASSIGNMENT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned contract connected_contract int isys_connection__id Yes
Contract begin contract_start date Yes
Contract end contract_end date Yes
Reaction rate reaction_rate int isys_contract_reaction_rate__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Stacking (C__CATG__STACKING)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Chassis assigned_object int isys_connection__id Yes

E-Mail addresses (C__CATG__MAIL_ADDRESSES)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
E-mail address title text Yes
Primary email address primary_mail text Yes
Primary primary int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

CUCM VoIP telephone (C__CATG__VOIP_PHONE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Device protocol device_protocol text Yes
Description description2 text Yes
Device pool device_pool text Yes
Common device configuration common_configuration text Yes
Button template button_template int isys_voip_phone_button_template__id Yes
Softkey template softkey_template int isys_voip_phone_softkey_template__id Yes
Common device profile common_profile text Yes
Calling search space calling_search_space text Yes
AAR calling search space aar_calling_search_space text Yes
Media resource group list media_resource_group_list text Yes
User MOH audio source user_hold_moh_audio_source text Yes
Network MOH Audioquelle network_hold_moh_audio_source text Yes
Location location text Yes
AAR group aar_group text Yes
User locale user_locale text Yes
Network locale network_locale text Yes
Built in bridge built_in_bridge text Yes
Privacy privacy text Yes
Device Mobility Mode device_mobility_mode text Yes
Owner user ID owner_user_id text Yes
Phone suite phone_suite text Yes
Service provisioning services_provisioning text Yes
Load name load_name text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Directory number directory_number text Yes
Route partition route_partition text Yes
Description description2 text Yes
Alerting name alerting_name text Yes
ASCII Alerting name ascii_alerting_name text Yes
Allow Control of Device from CTI allow_cti_control int Yes
Associated devices associated_devices int Yes
Voice mail profile voice_mail_profile text Yes
Calling search space calling_search_space text Yes
Presence group presence_group text Yes
User hold MOH audio source user_hold_moh_audio_source text Yes
Network hold MOH audio source network_hold_moh_audio_source text Yes
Auto answer auto_answer text Yes
Call forward all call_forward_all text Yes
Secondary Calling Search Space for Forward All sec_calling_search_space text Yes
Forward busy internal forward_busy_internal text Yes
Forward busy external forward_busy_external text Yes
Forward no answer internal forward_no_answer_internal text Yes
Forward no answer external forward_no_answer_external text Yes
Forward no coverage internal forward_no_coverage_internal text Yes
Forward no coverage external forward_no_coverage_external text Yes
Forward on CTI failure forward_on_cti_fail text Yes
Forward unregistered internal forward_unregistered_internal text Yes
Forward unregistered external forward_unregistered_external text Yes
No answer ring duration no_answer_ring_duration text Yes
Call pickup group call_pickup_group text Yes
Display display text Yes
ASCII display ascii_display text Yes
Line text label line_text_label text Yes
ASCII Line text label ascii_line_text_label text Yes
Visual message waiting indicator policy visual_message_indicator text Yes
Audible message waiting indicator policy audible_message_indicator text Yes
Ring settings (Phone idle) ring_settings_idle text Yes
Ring settings (Phone active) ring_settings_active text Yes
Call pickup group audio alert setting (phone idle) call_pickup_group_idle text Yes
Call pickup group audio alert setting (phone active) call_pickup_group_active text Yes
Recording option recording_option text Yes
Recording profile recording_profile text Yes
Monitoring calling search space monitoring_css text Yes
Log missed calls log_missed_calls int Yes
External phone number mask external_phone_number_mask text Yes
Maximum number of calls max_number_of_calls text Yes
"Busy" trigger busy_trigger text Yes
Caller name caller_name int Yes
Caller number caller_number int Yes
Redirected number redirected_number int Yes
Dialed number dialed_number int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Telephone/Fax (C__CATG__TELEPHONE_FAX)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type type int isys_telephone_fax_type__id Yes
Telephone number telephone_number text Yes
Fax number fax_number text Yes
Extension extension text Yes
Pincode pincode text Yes
IMEI number imei text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Smart Card Certificate (C__CATG__SMARTCARD_CERTIFICATE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Card number cardnumber text Yes
Barring password barring_password text Yes
PIN no. pin_nr text Yes
Reference reference text Yes
Expires on expires_on date Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Share Access (C__CATG__SHARE_ACCESS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Selected object assigned_objects int isys_connection__id Yes
Mountpoint mountpoint text Yes
Share name shares int isys_catg_shares_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Certificate (C__CATG__CERTIFICATE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type type int isys_certificate_type__id Yes
Creation date create_date date Yes
Expiration Date expire_date date Yes
Common Name common_name text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Service-ID service_id text Yes
SLA service level service_level int Yes
SLA service level (Dialog) service_level_dialog int isys_sla_service_level__id Yes
Weekday days int Yes
Monday monday_time text Yes
Tuesday tuesday_time text Yes
Wednesday wednesday_time text Yes
Thursday thursday_time text Yes
Friday friday_time text Yes
Saturday saturday_time text Yes
Sunday sunday_time text Yes
Reaction time reaction_time int Yes
Reaktion time unit reaction_time_unit int isys_unit_of_time__id Yes
Recovery time recovery_time int Yes
Recovery time unit recovery_time_unit int isys_unit_of_time__id Yes
Calendar calendar int isys_calendar__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Distinguished name (DN) title text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Host definition (C__CATG__NAGIOS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Export this configuration is_exportable int Yes
Export configuration export_host int isys_monitoring_export_config__id Yes
Templates host_template text Yes
host_name host_name text Yes
host_name_selection host_name_selection int Yes
Hostname name1 text Yes
Alias alias text Yes
IP Address address int isys_catg_ip_list__id Yes
address_selection address_selection int Yes
Choose further objects as parent parents text Yes
Use the following objects as parents? is_parent int Yes
check_command check_command int isys_nagios_commands__id Yes
check_command+ check_command_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
check_command_parameters check_command_parameters text Yes
check_interval check_interval int Yes
retry_interval retry_interval int Yes
max_check_attempts max_check_attempts int Yes
check_period check_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
check_period + check_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
active_checks_enabled active_checks_enabled int Yes
passive_checks_enabled passive_checks_enabled int Yes
notifications_enabled notifications_enabled int Yes
notification_options host_notification_options text Yes
notification_interval notification_interval int Yes
notification_period notification_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
notification_period + notification_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
initial_state initial_state text Yes
obsess_over_host obsess_over_host int Yes
check_freshness check_freshness int Yes
freshness_threshold freshness_threshold int Yes
flap_detection_enabled flap_detection_enabled int Yes
flap_detection_options flap_detection_options text Yes
low_flap_threshold low_flap_threshold int Yes
high_flap_threshold high_flap_threshold int Yes
event_handler_enabled event_handler_enabled int Yes
event_handler event_handler int Yes
event_handler + event_handler_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
event_handler_parameters event_handler_parameters text Yes
process_perf_data process_perf_data int Yes
retain_status_information retain_status_information int Yes
retain_nonstatus_information retain_nonstatus_information int Yes
first_notification_delay first_notification_delay int Yes
stalking_options stalking_options text Yes
escalations escalations int Yes
action_url action_url text Yes
icon_image icon_image text Yes
icon_image_alt icon_image_alt text Yes
vrml_image vrml_image text Yes
statusmap_image statusmap_image text Yes
2d_coords twod_coords text Yes
3d_coords threed_coords text Yes
notes notes text Yes
notes_url notes_url text Yes
display_name display_name text Yes
display_name_selection display_name_selection int Yes
Title name2 text Yes
custom_object_vars custom_object_vars text_area Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Nagios group (C__CATG__NAGIOS_GROUP)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Export this configuration is_exportable int Yes
Group type type int Yes
display_name name text Yes
display_name_selection name_selection int Yes
Alias alias text Yes
Notes notes text Yes
Notes URL notes_url text Yes
Action URL action_url text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Nagios (service) (C__CATG__NAGIOS_SERVICE_FOLDER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Active is_active int Yes
service_description service_description text Yes
Service-template template text Yes
check_command check_command int isys_nagios_commands__id Yes
check_command_plus check_command_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
check_command_parameters check_command_parameters text Yes
max_check_attempts max_check_attempts int Yes
check_interval check_interval int Yes
retry_interval retry_interval int Yes
check_period check_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
check_period+ check_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
notification_interval notification_interval int isys_catg_nagios_service_def_list__id Yes
notification_period notification_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
notification_period+ notification_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
display_name display_name text Yes
display_name_selection display_name_selection int Yes
active_checks_enabled active_checks_enabled int Yes
passive_checks_enabled passive_checks_enabled int Yes
initial_state initial_state text Yes
notifications_enabled notifications_enabled int Yes
notification_options service_notification_options text Yes
first_notification_delay first_notification_delay int Yes
flap_detection_enabled flap_detection_enabled int Yes
flap_detection_options flap_detection_options text Yes
low_flap_threshold low_flap_threshold int Yes
high_flap_threshold high_flap_threshold int Yes
is_volatile is_volatile int Yes
obsess_over_service obsess_over_service int Yes
check_freshness check_freshness int Yes
freshness_threshold freshness_threshold int Yes
event_handler_enabled event_handler_enabled int Yes
event_handler event_handler int Yes
event_handler+ event_handler_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
process_perf_data process_perf_data int Yes
retain_status_information retain_status_information int Yes
retain_nonstatus_information retain_nonstatus_information int Yes
stalking_options stalking_options text Yes
escalations escalations int isys_catg_nagios_service_def_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes
action_url action_url text Yes
icon_image icon_image text Yes
icon_image_alt icon_image_alt text Yes
notes notes text Yes
notes_url notes_url text Yes
custom_object_vars custom_object_vars text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
check_command check_command int isys_catg_nagios_service_tpl_def_list__id Yes
name name text Yes
check_command_plus check_command_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
check_command_parameters check_command_parameters text Yes
max_check_attempts max_check_attempts int Yes
check_interval check_interval int Yes
retry_interval retry_interval int Yes
check_period check_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
check_period+ check_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
notification_interval notification_interval int Yes
notification_period notification_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
notification_period+ notification_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
display_name display_name text Yes
display_name_selection display_name_selection int Yes
active_checks_enabled active_checks_enabled int Yes
passive_checks_enabled passive_checks_enabled int Yes
initial_state initial_state text Yes
notifications_enabled notifications_enabled int Yes
notification_options service_notification_options text Yes
first_notification_delay first_notification_delay int Yes
flap_detection_enabled flap_detection_enabled int Yes
flap_detection_options flap_detection_options text Yes
low_flap_threshold low_flap_threshold int Yes
high_flap_threshold high_flap_threshold int Yes
is_volatile is_volatile int Yes
obsess_over_service obsess_over_service int Yes
check_freshness check_freshness int Yes
freshness_threshold freshness_threshold int Yes
event_handler_enabled event_handler_enabled int Yes
event_handler event_handler int Yes
event_handler+ event_handler_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
process_perf_data process_perf_data int Yes
retain_status_information retain_status_information int Yes
retain_nonstatus_information retain_nonstatus_information int Yes
stalking_options stalking_options text Yes
escalations escalations int isys_catg_nagios_service_tpl_def_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes
action_url action_url text Yes
icon_image icon_image text Yes
icon_image_alt icon_image_alt text Yes
notes notes text Yes
notes_url notes_url text Yes
custom_object_vars custom_object_vars text_area Yes

Service definition (C__CATG__NAGIOS_SERVICE_DEF)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Active is_active int Yes
service_description service_description text Yes
Service-template template text Yes
check_command check_command int isys_nagios_commands__id Yes
check_command_plus check_command_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
check_command_parameters check_command_parameters text Yes
max_check_attempts max_check_attempts int Yes
check_interval check_interval int Yes
retry_interval retry_interval int Yes
check_period check_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
check_period+ check_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
notification_interval notification_interval int isys_catg_nagios_service_def_list__id Yes
notification_period notification_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
notification_period+ notification_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
display_name display_name text Yes
display_name_selection display_name_selection int Yes
active_checks_enabled active_checks_enabled int Yes
passive_checks_enabled passive_checks_enabled int Yes
initial_state initial_state text Yes
notifications_enabled notifications_enabled int Yes
notification_options service_notification_options text Yes
first_notification_delay first_notification_delay int Yes
flap_detection_enabled flap_detection_enabled int Yes
flap_detection_options flap_detection_options text Yes
low_flap_threshold low_flap_threshold int Yes
high_flap_threshold high_flap_threshold int Yes
is_volatile is_volatile int Yes
obsess_over_service obsess_over_service int Yes
check_freshness check_freshness int Yes
freshness_threshold freshness_threshold int Yes
event_handler_enabled event_handler_enabled int Yes
event_handler event_handler int Yes
event_handler+ event_handler_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
process_perf_data process_perf_data int Yes
retain_status_information retain_status_information int Yes
retain_nonstatus_information retain_nonstatus_information int Yes
stalking_options stalking_options text Yes
escalations escalations int isys_catg_nagios_service_def_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes
action_url action_url text Yes
icon_image icon_image text Yes
icon_image_alt icon_image_alt text Yes
notes notes text Yes
notes_url notes_url text Yes
custom_object_vars custom_object_vars text_area Yes

Backwards service assignment (C__CATG__NAGIOS_REFS_SERVICES_BACKWARDS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned objects assigned_objects int Yes

Service-template definition (C__CATG__NAGIOS_SERVICE_TPL_DEF)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
check_command check_command int isys_catg_nagios_service_tpl_def_list__id Yes
name name text Yes
check_command_plus check_command_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
check_command_parameters check_command_parameters text Yes
max_check_attempts max_check_attempts int Yes
check_interval check_interval int Yes
retry_interval retry_interval int Yes
check_period check_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
check_period+ check_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
notification_interval notification_interval int Yes
notification_period notification_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
notification_period+ notification_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
display_name display_name text Yes
display_name_selection display_name_selection int Yes
active_checks_enabled active_checks_enabled int Yes
passive_checks_enabled passive_checks_enabled int Yes
initial_state initial_state text Yes
notifications_enabled notifications_enabled int Yes
notification_options service_notification_options text Yes
first_notification_delay first_notification_delay int Yes
flap_detection_enabled flap_detection_enabled int Yes
flap_detection_options flap_detection_options text Yes
low_flap_threshold low_flap_threshold int Yes
high_flap_threshold high_flap_threshold int Yes
is_volatile is_volatile int Yes
obsess_over_service obsess_over_service int Yes
check_freshness check_freshness int Yes
freshness_threshold freshness_threshold int Yes
event_handler_enabled event_handler_enabled int Yes
event_handler event_handler int Yes
event_handler+ event_handler_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
process_perf_data process_perf_data int Yes
retain_status_information retain_status_information int Yes
retain_nonstatus_information retain_nonstatus_information int Yes
stalking_options stalking_options text Yes
escalations escalations int isys_catg_nagios_service_tpl_def_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes
action_url action_url text Yes
icon_image icon_image text Yes
icon_image_alt icon_image_alt text Yes
notes notes text Yes
notes_url notes_url text Yes
custom_object_vars custom_object_vars text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned objects assigned_objects int Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Hostname name text Yes
Nagios Host nagios_host int isys_monitoring_export_config__id Yes
LC__CATG__NAGIOS_HOST_TPL_DEF_CHECK_PERIOD check_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
check_period + check_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
notification_period notification_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
notification_period + notification_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
display_name display_name text Yes
display_name_selection display_name_selection int Yes
check_command check_command int isys_nagios_commands__id Yes
check_command+ check_command_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
check_command_parameters check_command_parameters text Yes
initial_state initial_state text Yes
check_interval check_interval int Yes
retry_interval retry_interval int Yes
active_checks_enabled active_checks_enabled int Yes
passive_checks_enabled passive_checks_enabled int Yes
obsess_over_host obsess_over_host int Yes
check_freshness check_freshness int Yes
freshness_threshold freshness_threshold int Yes
flap_detection_enabled flap_detection_enabled int Yes
flap_detection_options flap_detection_options text Yes
event_handler event_handler int Yes
event_handler + event_handler_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
event_handler_parameters event_handler_parameters text Yes
event_handler_enabled event_handler_enabled int Yes
low_flap_threshold low_flap_threshold int Yes
high_flap_threshold high_flap_threshold int Yes
process_perf_data process_perf_data int Yes
retain_status_information retain_status_information int Yes
retain_nonstatus_information retain_nonstatus_information int Yes
first_notification_delay first_notification_delay int Yes
notification_options host_notification_options text Yes
notifications_enabled notifications_enabled int Yes
stalking_options stalking_options text Yes
escalations escalations int Yes
Title name2 text Yes
Description description text_area Yes
action_url action_url text Yes
icon_image icon_image text Yes
icon_image_alt icon_image_alt text Yes
vrml_image vrml_image text Yes
statusmap_image statusmap_image text Yes
notes notes text Yes
notes_url notes_url text Yes
custom_object_vars custom_object_vars text_area Yes

Host-template definition (C__CATG__NAGIOS_HOST_TPL_DEF)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Hostname name text Yes
Nagios Host nagios_host int isys_monitoring_export_config__id Yes
LC__CATG__NAGIOS_HOST_TPL_DEF_CHECK_PERIOD check_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
check_period + check_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
notification_period notification_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
notification_period + notification_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
display_name display_name text Yes
display_name_selection display_name_selection int Yes
check_command check_command int isys_nagios_commands__id Yes
check_command+ check_command_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
check_command_parameters check_command_parameters text Yes
initial_state initial_state text Yes
check_interval check_interval int Yes
retry_interval retry_interval int Yes
active_checks_enabled active_checks_enabled int Yes
passive_checks_enabled passive_checks_enabled int Yes
obsess_over_host obsess_over_host int Yes
check_freshness check_freshness int Yes
freshness_threshold freshness_threshold int Yes
flap_detection_enabled flap_detection_enabled int Yes
flap_detection_options flap_detection_options text Yes
event_handler event_handler int Yes
event_handler + event_handler_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
event_handler_parameters event_handler_parameters text Yes
event_handler_enabled event_handler_enabled int Yes
low_flap_threshold low_flap_threshold int Yes
high_flap_threshold high_flap_threshold int Yes
process_perf_data process_perf_data int Yes
retain_status_information retain_status_information int Yes
retain_nonstatus_information retain_nonstatus_information int Yes
first_notification_delay first_notification_delay int Yes
notification_options host_notification_options text Yes
notifications_enabled notifications_enabled int Yes
stalking_options stalking_options text Yes
escalations escalations int Yes
Title name2 text Yes
Description description text_area Yes
action_url action_url text Yes
icon_image icon_image text Yes
icon_image_alt icon_image_alt text Yes
vrml_image vrml_image text Yes
statusmap_image statusmap_image text Yes
notes notes text Yes
notes_url notes_url text Yes
custom_object_vars custom_object_vars text_area Yes

Nagios (host) (C__CATG__NAGIOS_HOST_FOLDER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Export this configuration is_exportable int Yes
Export configuration export_host int isys_monitoring_export_config__id Yes
Templates host_template text Yes
host_name host_name text Yes
host_name_selection host_name_selection int Yes
Hostname name1 text Yes
Alias alias text Yes
IP Address address int isys_catg_ip_list__id Yes
address_selection address_selection int Yes
Choose further objects as parent parents text Yes
Use the following objects as parents? is_parent int Yes
check_command check_command int isys_nagios_commands__id Yes
check_command+ check_command_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
check_command_parameters check_command_parameters text Yes
check_interval check_interval int Yes
retry_interval retry_interval int Yes
max_check_attempts max_check_attempts int Yes
check_period check_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
check_period + check_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
active_checks_enabled active_checks_enabled int Yes
passive_checks_enabled passive_checks_enabled int Yes
notifications_enabled notifications_enabled int Yes
notification_options host_notification_options text Yes
notification_interval notification_interval int Yes
notification_period notification_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
notification_period + notification_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
initial_state initial_state text Yes
obsess_over_host obsess_over_host int Yes
check_freshness check_freshness int Yes
freshness_threshold freshness_threshold int Yes
flap_detection_enabled flap_detection_enabled int Yes
flap_detection_options flap_detection_options text Yes
low_flap_threshold low_flap_threshold int Yes
high_flap_threshold high_flap_threshold int Yes
event_handler_enabled event_handler_enabled int Yes
event_handler event_handler int Yes
event_handler + event_handler_plus int isys_nagios_commands_plus__id Yes
event_handler_parameters event_handler_parameters text Yes
process_perf_data process_perf_data int Yes
retain_status_information retain_status_information int Yes
retain_nonstatus_information retain_nonstatus_information int Yes
first_notification_delay first_notification_delay int Yes
stalking_options stalking_options text Yes
escalations escalations int Yes
action_url action_url text Yes
icon_image icon_image text Yes
icon_image_alt icon_image_alt text Yes
vrml_image vrml_image text Yes
statusmap_image statusmap_image text Yes
2d_coords twod_coords text Yes
3d_coords threed_coords text Yes
notes notes text Yes
notes_url notes_url text Yes
display_name display_name text Yes
display_name_selection display_name_selection int Yes
Title name2 text Yes
custom_object_vars custom_object_vars text_area Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned objects assigned_objects text Yes

Service assignment (C__CATG__NAGIOS_REFS_SERVICES)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Nagios service assigned_objects int isys_obj__id Yes

Nagios (application) (C__CATG__NAGIOS_APPLICATION_FOLDER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Nagios service assigned_objects int isys_obj__id Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Nagios service assigned_objects int isys_obj__id Yes

Service dependencies (C__CATG__NAGIOS_SERVICE_DEP)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Host host int isys_catg_nagios_refs_services_list__id Yes
Service (Master) service_dependency int No
Host (Master) host_dependency int isys_catg_nagios_refs_services_list__id Yes
inherits_parent inherits_parent int Yes
execution_failure_criteria execution_fail_criteria int isys_catg_nagios_service_dep_list__id Yes
notification_failure_criteria notification_fail_criteria int isys_catg_nagios_service_dep_list__id Yes
dependency_period dependency_period int isys_nagios_timeperiods__id Yes
dependency_period+ dependency_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Address (C__CATG__ADDRESS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Additional address information address text_area Yes
Street street text Yes
House number house_no text Yes
Floors stories int Yes
Postal code postcode text Yes
City city text Yes
Region region text Yes
Country country text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Monitoring (C__CATG__MONITORING)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Active? active int Yes
Host monitoring_host int isys_monitoring_hosts__id Yes
Hostname host_name text Yes
Hostname selection host_name_selection int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Livestatus (C__CATG__LIVESTATUS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Livestatus livestatus_state int Yes
Livestatus (button) livestatus_state_button int Yes

Vehicle (C__CATG__VEHICLE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Licence plate licence_plate text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Aircraft (C__CATG__AIRCRAFT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Aircraft registration registration text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Network connections (C__CATG__NET_CONNECTIONS_FOLDER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Layer 3/4 Protocol protocol int isys_net_protocol__id Yes
Layer 5-7 Protocol protocol_layer_5 int isys_net_protocol_layer_5__id Yes
(Bind) ip address ip_address int isys_cats_net_ip_addresses_list__id Yes
Of port_from int Yes
To port_to int Yes
Opened by application opened_by int isys_obj__id Yes
Gateway gateway int isys_obj__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Layer 3/4 Protocol protocol int isys_net_protocol__id Yes
Layer 5-7 Protocol protocol_layer_5 int isys_net_protocol_layer_5__id Yes
(Bind) ip address ip_address int isys_cats_net_ip_addresses_list__id Yes
Of port_from int Yes
To port_to int Yes
Opened by application opened_by int isys_obj__id Yes
Gateway gateway int isys_obj__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Connection (C__CATG__NET_CONNECTOR)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
(Source) ip address ip_address int isys_cats_net_ip_addresses_list__id Yes
Of port_from int Yes
To port_to int Yes
Listener connected_listener int isys_catg_net_listener_list__id No
Connected with connected_to int isys_catg_net_listener_list__id No
Gateway gateway int isys_obj__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Administration service (C__CATG__CLUSTER_ADM_SERVICE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Administration service (Object) connected_object int isys_connection__id Yes
Object type objtype int Yes

JDisc Custom Attributes (C__CATG__JDISC_CA)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Attribute attribute text Yes
Value attribute_content text Yes
Type attribute_type int isys_jdisc_ca_type__id Yes
Folder attribute_folder text_area Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
LC__CATG__CMK__ACTIVE active int Yes
Export configuration export_config int Yes
LC__CATG__CMK__ALIAS title text Yes
LC__CATG__CMK__EXPORT_IP export_ip int Yes
Host address hostaddress int Yes
LC__CATG__CMK__HOSTNAME host_name text Yes
LC__CATG__CMK__HOSTNAME host_name_selection int Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
LC__CATG__CMK_TAG__TAGS tags text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
LC__CATG__CMK_SERVICE__SOFTWARE_ASSIGNMENT software_assignment int isys_catg_application_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
LC__CATG__CMK__ACTIVE active int Yes
Export configuration export_config int Yes
LC__CATG__CMK__ALIAS title text Yes
LC__CATG__CMK__EXPORT_IP export_ip int Yes
Host address hostaddress int Yes
LC__CATG__CMK__HOSTNAME host_name text Yes
LC__CATG__CMK__HOSTNAME host_name_selection int Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
NDO state ndo_state text Yes
NDO state button ndo_state_button text Yes

Cable (C__CATG__CABLE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Cable type cable_type int isys_cable_type__id Yes
Color cable_colour int isys_cable_colour__id Yes
Occupancy cable_occupancy int isys_cable_occupancy__id Yes
Cable length length float Yes
Length unit length_unit int Yes
Maximal amount of fibers/leads max_amount_of_fibers_leads int Yes
connection connection text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Data Source (C__CATG__IDENTIFIER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Key key text Yes
Value value text Yes
Initial Import last_edited date_time Yes
Type type int isys_catg_identifier_type__id Yes
Group group text Yes
Last scan last_scan text Yes
Last updated last_updated date_time Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Services (C__CATG__SERVICE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Service number service_number text Yes
Service type type int isys_service_type__id Yes
Service category category int isys_service_category__id Yes
Business Unit business_unit int isys_business_unit__id Yes
Active in service catalogue active int Yes
Service description internal service_description_intern text_area Yes
Service description external service_description_extern text_area Yes
Aliases service_alias int isys_catg_service_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Operating system (C__CATG__OPERATING_SYSTEM)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Operating system application int isys_connection__id Yes
Type application_type int isys_catg_application_type__id Yes
Priority application_priority int isys_catg_application_priority__id Yes
Assigned license assigned_license int isys_cats_lic_list__id Yes
Assigned license key assigned_license_key int isys_cats_lic_list__id Yes
Service assigned_it_service int isys_catg_its_components_list__id Yes
Variant assigned_variant int isys_cats_app_variant_list__id Yes
Version number assigned_version int isys_catg_version_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned SP-VLAN spvlan int isys_connection__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Fiber/lead (C__CATG__FIBER_LEAD)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Label label text Yes
Category category int isys_fiber_category__id Yes
Color color int isys_cable_colour__id Yes
Damping damping float Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned SP-VLAN spvlan int isys_connection__id Yes

Images (C__CATG__IMAGES)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Filename name text No
Filecontent content text Yes

WAN Connection (C__CATG__WAN)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Role role int isys_wan_role__id Yes
Type type int isys_wan_type__id Yes
Channels channels int Yes
Call number(s) call_numbers text_area Yes
Location of the connection connection_location int isys_obj__id Yes
Capacity UP capacity_up float Yes
Capacity UP unit capacity_up_unit int isys_wan_capacity_unit__id Yes
Capacity DOWN capacity_down float Yes
Capacity DOWN unit capacity_down_unit int isys_wan_capacity_unit__id Yes
Max. Capacity UP max_capacity_up float Yes
Max. Capacity UP unit max_capacity_up_unit int isys_wan_capacity_unit__id Yes
Max. Capacity DOWN max_capacity_down float Yes
Max. Capacity DOWN unit max_capacity_down_unit int isys_wan_capacity_unit__id Yes
Projekt number project_no text Yes
VLAN-ID vlan_id int isys_obj__id Yes
Shopping cart number shopping_cart_no text Yes
Ticket number ticket_no text Yes
Customer number customer_no text Yes
Connected routers router int isys_catg_wan_list_2_router__isys_catg_wan_list__id Yes
Connected nets net int isys_catg_wan_list_2_net__isys_catg_wan_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Remote Management Controller (C__CATG__RM_CONTROLLER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Primary access URL remote_url text Yes
Remote Management Controller connected_object int isys_connection__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Remote Management Controller connected_object int Yes

Virtual managed objects (C__CATG__MANAGED_OBJECTS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Object connected_object int Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type type int isys_vrrp_type__id Yes
VR ID vrid text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
VRRP member member int isys_catg_log_port_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Stack member (C__CATG__STACK_MEMBER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Member assigned_object int isys_obj__id Yes
Mode mode int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Last login user (C__CATG__LAST_LOGIN_USER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Last logged in user last_login text Yes
Type type text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Net zone (C__CATG__NET_ZONE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Scope from-to text isys_obj__id Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Zone color color text Yes
Zone color domain text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Scope from-to text isys_obj__id Yes

Specific categories (cats)#


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Vertical slots (front side) vertical_slots_front int Yes
Vertical slots (backside) vertical_slots_rear int Yes
Height unit sorting slot_sorting text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Room (C__CATS__ROOM)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type type int isys_room_type__id Yes
Room number number text Yes
Floor floor text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Services (C__CATS__SERVICE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Specification specification text Yes
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_application_manufacturer__id Yes
Installation installation int isys_installation_type__id Yes
Registration key registration_key text Yes
Install path install_path text Yes
Amount of installations installation_count int Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
VLAN management protocol vlan int isys_vlan_management_protocol__id Yes
Role role int isys_switch_role__id Yes
Spanning Tree spanning_tree int isys_switch_spanning_tree__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Role role int isys_wan_role__id Yes
Type type int isys_wan_type__id Yes
Capacity capacity double Yes
Capacity unit capacity_unit int isys_wan_capacity_unit__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Emergency plan (C__CATS__EMERGENCY_PLAN)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Time need time_needed int Yes
Unit time_unit int isys_unit_of_time__id Yes
Date of emergency practice practice_date date_time Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Air conditioning (C__CATS__AC)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type type int isys_ac_type__id Yes
Threshold threshold float Yes
Memory-unit threshold_unit int isys_temp_unit__id Yes
Capacity unit capacity_unit int isys_ac_refrigerating_capacity_unit__id Yes
Refrigerating capacity capacity float Yes
Air quantity air_quantity float Yes
Volume unit air_quantity_unit int isys_ac_air_quantity_unit__id Yes
Width width float Yes
Height height float Yes
Depth depth float Yes
Dimension unit dimension_unit int isys_depth_unit__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

WiFi device (C__CATS__ACCESS_POINT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Function function int isys_wlan_function__id Yes
Standard standard int isys_wlan_standard__id Yes
Channel channel int isys_wlan_channel__id Yes
Broadcast SSID broadcast_ssid int Yes
SSID ssid text Yes
MAC filter mac_filter int Yes
Authentication auth int isys_wlan_auth__id Yes
Encryption encryption_id int isys_wlan_encryption__id Yes
Key key text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Monitor (C__CATS__MONITOR)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Display size float Yes
Unit size_unit int isys_depth_unit__id Yes
Type type int isys_monitor_type__id Yes
Resolution resolution int isys_monitor_resolution__id Yes
Pivot pivot int Yes
Speaker speaker int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Desktop (C__CATS__CLIENT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Client type type int isys_client_type__id Yes
Keyboard Layout keyboard_layout text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

FC switch (C__CATS__SWITCH_FC)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Active is_active int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Routing (C__CATS__ROUTER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Routing protocol routing_protocol int isys_routing_protocol__id Yes
Gateway address gateway_address int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Printer (C__CATS__PRT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type type int isys_cats_prt_type__id Yes
Color is_color int Yes
Duplex is_duplex int Yes
Emulation emulation int isys_cats_prt_emulation__id Yes
Paper format paper_format int isys_cats_prt_paper__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Files (C__CATS__FILE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title file_title text Yes
Filename file_physical int Yes
Category file_category int isys_file_category__id Yes
Revision revision text Yes
Version Description version_description text_area Yes
Description description text_area Yes
Version current_version int isys_file_version__id Yes
MD5 Checksum md5_hash text Yes

Applications (C__CATS__APPLICATION)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Specification specification text Yes
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_application_manufacturer__id Yes
Installation installation int isys_installation_type__id Yes
Registration key registration_key text Yes
Install path install_path text Yes
Amount of installations installation_count int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Net (C__CATS__NET)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Type type int isys_net_type__id Yes
Net address text Yes
Netmask netmask text Yes
Default Gateway gateway int Yes
Address from range_from text Yes
Address to range_to text Yes
DNS server dns_server int isys_cats_net_list__id Yes
DNS domain dns_domain int isys_cats_net_list__id Yes
CIDR-Suffix cidr_suffix int Yes
Reverse DNS reverse_dns text Yes
Layer-2-net assignment layer2_assignments int Yes
Net address_v6 text Yes
Address range address_range text Yes
Net with suffix address_with_suffix text Yes
Assigned addresses free_addresses text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
IMEI number imei_number text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Object group (C__CATS__GROUP)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Object object int isys_connection__id Yes
Object type object_type text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Key key text Yes
Serial serial text Yes
License Type type int Yes
Amount amount int Yes
Licenses in Use used_licences int Yes
Licenses Free lic_not_in_use int Yes
Start Date start date Yes
Expiration Date expire date Yes
Price Per Unit cost double Yes
Total Costs overall_costs double Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Current file (C__CMDB__SUBCAT__FILE_ACTUAL)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title file_title text Yes
Filename file_physical int Yes
Category file_category int isys_file_category__id Yes
Revision revision text Yes
Version Description version_description text_area Yes
Description description text_area Yes
Version current_version int isys_file_version__id Yes
MD5 Checksum md5_hash text Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Filename file_physical text Yes
File content file_content text Yes
Title file_title text Yes
Revision revision text Yes
Upload date upload_date text Yes
Version Description version_description text_area Yes
MD5 Checksum md5_hash text Yes
Upload from uploaded_by text Yes

Assigned objects (C__CMDB__SUBCAT__FILE_OBJECTS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned objects assigned_objects int Yes

Emergency plan properties (C__CMDB__SUBCAT__EMERGENCY_PLAN)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Time need time_needed int Yes
Unit time_unit int isys_unit_of_time__id Yes
Date of emergency practice practice_date date_time Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title object text Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Net type title int isys_net_type_title__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Assigned objects (C__CMDB__SUBCAT__WS_ASSIGNMENT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned Objects connected_object int Yes

Wiring System (C__CATS__WS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Net type title int isys_net_type_title__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Uninterruptible power supply (C__CATS__UPS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type type int isys_ups_type__id Yes
Battery type battery_type int isys_ups_battery_type__id Yes
Quantity amount int Yes
Charge time charge_time int Yes
Unit charge_time_unit int isys_unit_of_time__id Yes
Runtime under full load autonomy_time int Yes
Unit autonomy_time_unit int isys_unit_of_time__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Emergency power supply (C__CATS__EPS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type type int isys_cats_eps_type__id Yes
Warm-up time warmup_time int Yes
Unit warmup_time_unit int isys_unit_of_time__id Yes
Fuel tank fuel_tank int Yes
Unit volume_unit int isys_volume_unit__id Yes
Autonomy time autonomy_time int Yes
Unit autonomy_time_unit int isys_unit_of_time__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Members members int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Organization (C__CATS__ORGANIZATION)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text No
Telephone telephone text Yes
Fax fax text Yes
Website website text Yes
Headquarter headquarter int isys_connection__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text No
Telephone telephone text Yes
Fax fax text Yes
Website website text Yes
Headquarter headquarter int isys_connection__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title object int Yes
Contact contact int Yes

Persons (C__CATS__PERSON)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Salutation salutation text Yes
First name first_name text Yes
Last name last_name text Yes
Academic degree academic_degree text Yes
Function function text Yes
Service designation service_designation text Yes
Street street text Yes
City city text Yes
ZIP-Code zip_code text Yes
E-mail address mail text Yes
Telephone company phone_company text Yes
Telephone home phone_home text Yes
Cellphone phone_mobile text Yes
Fax fax text Yes
Pager pager text Yes
Personnel number personnel_number text Yes
Department department text Yes
Organisation organization int isys_connection__id Yes
ID ldap_id text Yes
DN ldap_dn text Yes
Description description text_area Yes
Custom 1 custom_1 text Yes
Custom 2 custom_2 text Yes
Custom 3 custom_3 text Yes
Custom 4 custom_4 text Yes
Custom 5 custom_5 text Yes
Custom 6 custom_6 text Yes
Custom 7 custom_7 text Yes
Custom 8 custom_8 text Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Salutation salutation text Yes
First name first_name text Yes
Last name last_name text Yes
Academic degree academic_degree text Yes
Function function text Yes
Service designation service_designation text Yes
Street street text Yes
City city text Yes
ZIP-Code zip_code text Yes
E-mail address mail text Yes
Telephone company phone_company text Yes
Telephone home phone_home text Yes
Cellphone phone_mobile text Yes
Fax fax text Yes
Pager pager text Yes
Personnel number personnel_number text Yes
Department department text Yes
Organisation organization int isys_connection__id Yes
ID ldap_id text Yes
DN ldap_dn text Yes
Description description text_area Yes
Custom 1 custom_1 text Yes
Custom 2 custom_2 text Yes
Custom 3 custom_3 text Yes
Custom 4 custom_4 text Yes
Custom 5 custom_5 text Yes
Custom 6 custom_6 text Yes
Custom 7 custom_7 text Yes
Custom 8 custom_8 text Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
User name title text Yes
Password user_pass text Yes
Password user_pass2 text Yes
Description description text_area Yes
Custom 1 custom_1 text Yes
Custom 2 custom_2 text Yes
Custom 3 custom_3 text Yes
Custom 4 custom_4 text Yes
Custom 5 custom_5 text Yes
Custom 6 custom_6 text Yes
Custom 7 custom_7 text Yes
Custom 8 custom_8 text Yes

Person group memberships (C__CATS__PERSON_ASSIGNED_GROUPS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Person group memberships connected_object int Yes
Contact contact int Yes

Person groups (C__CATS__PERSON_GROUP)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
E-Mail email_address text Yes
Phone phone text Yes
LDAP-Group (Mapping) ldap_group text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
E-Mail email_address text Yes
Phone phone text Yes
LDAP-Group (Mapping) ldap_group text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
First name first_name text Yes
Last name last_name text Yes
Department department text Yes
Telephone company phone_company text Yes
E-Mail email_address text Yes
Organisation organization int Yes
Title title text Yes
Members connected_object int Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned Objects object int Yes
Role role int isys_contact_tag__id Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Object object int No
Object type object_type int Yes
Role role int isys_contact_tag__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Object object int No
Object type object_type int Yes
Role role int isys_contact_tag__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Assigned clusters (C__CATS__CLUSTER_SERVICE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned clusters cluster int No
Type type int isys_cluster_type__id Yes
Runs on runs_on int Yes
Default server default_server int Yes
Host addresses hostaddresses int isys_catg_cluster_service_list__id Yes
Volumes drives int Yes
Shares shares int Yes
Database schema assigned_database_schema int isys_cats_database_access_list__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Relation details (C__CATS__RELATION_DETAILS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Object1 object1 int Yes
Object2 object2 int Yes
Service itservice int Yes
Relation type relation_type int isys_relation_type__id Yes
Weighting weighting int isys_weighting__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Database schema (C__CATS__DATABASE_SCHEMA)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Runs on link int Yes
Database instance instance int isys_cats_database_instance_list__id Yes
Title title text Yes
Storage-Engine storage_engine text Yes
Description description text_area Yes
Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Connected database schema link int isys_connection__id Yes
Target user target_user text Yes
Owner owner text Yes
Public public int Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
DBMS dbms int isys_dbms__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Instance / Oracle database (C__CATS__DATABASE_INSTANCE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
DBMS instance int isys_connection__id Yes
Title title text Yes
Listener listener text Yes
Database schema database_schema int Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
PDU pdu_id text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
PDU pdu_id int Yes
Branch-ID branch_id int Yes
Receptacles receptables int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Parallel relations (C__CATS__PARALLEL_RELATION)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Minimum amount of active items threshold text Yes
Parallel relations rel_pool text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Database objects (C__CATS__DATABASE_OBJECTS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Type database_object int isys_database_objects__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Database access (C__CATS__DATABASE_ACCESS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned objects access int Yes

Database gateway (C__CATS__DATABASE_GATEWAY)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Gateway type type text Yes
Host host text Yes
Port port text Yes
User user text Yes
Target schema target_schema int isys_connection__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Replication (C__CATS__REPLICATION)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Replication mechanism replication_mechanism int isys_replication_mechanism__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Replication partner (C__CATS__REPLICATION_PARTNER)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Replication type type int isys_replication_type__id Yes
Replication partner replication_partner int isys_connection__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Installed on object int No
Type application_type int isys_catg_application_type__id Yes
Priority application_priority int isys_catg_application_priority__id Yes
Assigned license assigned_license int isys_cats_lic_list__id Yes
Assigned license key assigned_license_key text isys_cats_lic_list__id Yes
Database schema assigned_database_schema int isys_cats_database_access_list__id Yes
Service assigned_it_service int isys_catg_its_components_list__id Yes
Variant assigned_variant int isys_cats_app_variant_list__id Yes
Inherit nagios services bequest_nagios_services int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Middleware (C__CATS__MIDDLEWARE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Specification specification text Yes
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_application_manufacturer__id Yes
Installation installation int isys_installation_type__id Yes
Registration key registration_key text Yes
Install path install_path text Yes
Amount of installations installation_count int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Crypto card (C__CATS__KRYPTO_CARD)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Certificate number certificate_number text Yes
Certgate card number certgate_card_number text Yes
Certificate title certificate_title text Yes
Certificate revocation password certificate_password text Yes
Certificate procedure certificate_procedure date Yes
Date of issue date_of_issue date Yes
IMEI number imei_number text Yes
Assigned cellular phone assigned_mobile int Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type net_type int isys_net_type__id Yes
Host address title text Yes
Object assigned_object int Yes
Address allocation IPv4 ipv4_assignment int isys_ip_assignment__id Yes
Address allocation IPv6 ipv6_assignment int isys_ipv6_assignment__id Yes
Object object int Yes
Open IP list ip_address_link text Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Type v4 type int isys_net_dhcp_type__id Yes
Type v6 typev6 int isys_net_dhcpv6_type__id Yes
DHCP from range_from text Yes
DHCP to range_to text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Layer 2 Net (C__CATS__LAYER2_NET)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
ID (VLAN) vlan_id text Yes
Default VLAN standard int Yes
Type type int isys_layer2_net_type__id Yes
Subtype subtype int isys_layer2_net_subtype__id Yes
IP helper addresses ip_helper_addresses int Yes
Layer-3-net assignment layer3_assignments int isys_obj__id Yes
VRF vrf text Yes
VRF Capacity vrf_capacity int Yes
VRF Capacity (Unit) vrf_capacity_unit int Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Object title isys_obj__id int Yes
Assigned ports isys_catg_port_list__id int Yes
MAC-address isys_catg_port_list__mac int Yes

Contract (C__CATS__CONTRACT)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Contract type type int isys_contract_type__id Yes
Contract id contract_no text Yes
Customer id customer_no text Yes
Internal id internal_no text Yes
Costs costs double Yes
Cost calculation cost_calculation text Yes
Product product text Yes
Reaction rate reaction_rate int isys_contract_reaction_rate__id Yes
Contract status contract_status int isys_contract_status__id Yes
Start of contract start_date date Yes
End of contract end_date date Yes
Runtime run_time int Yes
Runtime unit run_time_unit int isys_guarantee_period_unit__id Yes
Possible next contract expires next_contract_end_date text Yes
End of contract by end_type int isys_contract_end_type__id Yes
Possible next termination date next_notice_end_date text Yes
Cancellation date notice_date date Yes
Cancellation period notice_period int Yes
Notice period unit notice_period_unit int isys_guarantee_period_unit__id Yes
Notice type notice_type int isys_contract_notice_period_type__id Yes
Maintenance-/guarantee period maintenance_period int Yes
Deadline unit maintenance_period_unit int isys_guarantee_period_unit__id Yes
Payment period payment_period int isys_contract_payment_period__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Contract information (C__CATS__CONTRACT_INFORMATION)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Contract type type int isys_contract_type__id Yes
Contract id contract_no text Yes
Customer id customer_no text Yes
Internal id internal_no text Yes
Costs costs double Yes
Cost calculation cost_calculation text Yes
Product product text Yes
Reaction rate reaction_rate int isys_contract_reaction_rate__id Yes
Contract status contract_status int isys_contract_status__id Yes
Start of contract start_date date Yes
End of contract end_date date Yes
Runtime run_time int Yes
Runtime unit run_time_unit int isys_guarantee_period_unit__id Yes
Possible next contract expires next_contract_end_date text Yes
End of contract by end_type int isys_contract_end_type__id Yes
Possible next termination date next_notice_end_date text Yes
Cancellation date notice_date date Yes
Cancellation period notice_period int Yes
Notice period unit notice_period_unit int isys_guarantee_period_unit__id Yes
Notice type notice_type int isys_contract_notice_period_type__id Yes
Maintenance-/guarantee period maintenance_period int Yes
Deadline unit maintenance_period_unit int isys_guarantee_period_unit__id Yes
Payment period payment_period int isys_contract_payment_period__id Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Assigned objects assigned_object int Yes

Chassis (C__CATS__CHASSIS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Front horizontal units front_x int Yes
Front vertical units front_y int Yes
Front grid size front_size int Yes
Rear horizontal units rear_x int Yes
Rear vertical units rear_y int Yes
Rear grid size rear_size int Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Connector type connector_type int isys_chassis_connector_type__id Yes
Insertion insertion int Yes
Slot title title text Yes
Horizontal position from_x int Yes
To horizontal position to_x int Yes
Vertical position from_y int Yes
To vertical position to_y int Yes
Device assignment assigned_devices int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Assigned devices (C__CATS__CHASSIS_DEVICES)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Role role int isys_chassis_role__id Yes
Device assignment assigned_device int isys_connection__id Yes
Device assignment (Hostadapter) assigned_hba int isys_catg_hba_list__id Yes
Device assignment (Interface) assigned_interface int isys_catg_netp_list__id Yes
Device assignment (Power consumer) assigned_power_consumer int isys_catg_pc_list__id Yes
Assigned to assigned_slots int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Chassis view (C__CATS__CHASSIS_VIEW)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Front horizontal units front_x int Yes
Front vertical units front_y int Yes
Front grid size front_size int Yes
Rear horizontal units rear_x int Yes
Rear vertical units rear_y int Yes
Rear grid size rear_size int Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Title title text Yes
Variant variant text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Alias alias text Yes
contact_name contact_name text Yes
contact_name selection contact_name_selection int Yes
host_notification_enabled host_notification_enabled int Yes
service_notification_enabled service_notification_enabled int Yes
host_notification_period host_notification_period int Yes
host_notification_period+ host_notification_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
service_notification_period service_notification_period int Yes
service_notification_period+ service_notification_period_plus int isys_nagios_timeperiods_plus__id Yes
host_notification_options host_notification_options text Yes
service_notification_options service_notification_options text Yes
host_notification_commands host_notification_commands text Yes
service_notification_commands service_notification_commands text Yes
can_submit_commands can_submit_commands int Yes
retain_status_information retain_status_information int Yes
Export this configuration is_exportable int Yes
retain_nonstatus_information retain_nonstatus_information int Yes
custom_object_vars custom_object_vars text_area Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Export this configuration is_exportable int Yes
alias alias text Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Typ group_type int Yes
Report report int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Assigned logical ports (C__CATS__LAYER2_NET_ASSIGNED_LOGICAL_PORTS)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Object title isys_obj__id int Yes
Assigned logical ports isys_catg_log_port_list__id int Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Installed on object int No
Type application_type int isys_catg_application_type__id Yes
Priority application_priority int isys_catg_application_priority__id Yes
Assigned license assigned_license int isys_cats_lic_list__id Yes
Assigned license key assigned_license_key text isys_cats_lic_list__id Yes
Database schema assigned_database_schema int isys_cats_database_access_list__id Yes
Service assigned_it_service int isys_catg_its_components_list__id Yes
Variant assigned_variant int isys_cats_app_variant_list__id Yes
Inherit nagios services bequest_nagios_services int Yes
Description description text_area Yes


Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Installed on object int No
Type application_type int isys_catg_application_type__id Yes
Priority application_priority int isys_catg_application_priority__id Yes
Assigned license assigned_license int isys_cats_lic_list__id Yes
Assigned license key assigned_license_key text isys_cats_lic_list__id Yes
Database schema assigned_database_schema int isys_cats_database_access_list__id Yes
Service assigned_it_service int isys_catg_its_components_list__id Yes
Variant assigned_variant int isys_cats_app_variant_list__id Yes
Inherit nagios services bequest_nagios_services int Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Net zone (C__CATS__NET_ZONE)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Net zone objekt zone int isys_obj__id Yes
Zone from range_from text Yes
Zone from range_from_long text Yes
Zone to range_to text Yes
Zone to range_to_long text Yes
Description description text_area Yes

Operating Systems (C__CATS__OPERATING_SYSTEM)#

Field name Key Data type Reference Optional
Specification specification text Yes
Manufacturer manufacturer int isys_application_manufacturer__id Yes
Installation installation int isys_installation_type__id Yes
Registration key registration_key text Yes
Install path install_path text Yes
Amount of installations installation_count int Yes
Description description text_area Yes